A sails.js authentication template using waterlock and token. Perfect for authentication from REST API using mobile devices
- Sailsjs ~0.11.0
- waterlock 0.1.0
- waterlock-local-auth 0.0.6
The template have the following functions via API
- User registration
- User login via Json web token (JWT)
- A simple user role management
- i18n (ab, en and zh currently) use sails.__()
- A random test (rtest) controller, if you login, you can see it.
- Init some new users and roles by using test
- Add nodemon
Things need to do before start:
create mysql database "sails_jwt_template", and:
grant all on sails_jwt_template.* to 'test'@'localhost' identified by 'test';
if you want to do test, create database "sails_jwt_template_test", username: test, password: test
grant all on sails_jwt_template_test.* to 'test'@'localhost' identified by 'test';
install the dependencies by:
npm install
But some of the dependencies may need sudo to install -
you need to install sails -g and mocha -g if you want to test
set the mocha.opts under test folder to something bigger, or the test will fail because of timeout problem
npm test
for testing
In production environment, you need to install redis first. The default configuration has been added to config/env/production.js file.
- email registration confirmation
- reset password
- Set up socket.io support