Spring based Web MVC project developed using the following technologies;
- Spring Core
- Spring Web MVC
- Spring Data
- Spring Data JPA (Hibernate)
- Spring Security
- Spring AOP
- H2 (in-memory database)
- Lombok
- JEE Bean Validator
- Multi language (i18n),
- Theme system
- Export (Excel, PDF)
- Audit
- Log
- Validator
- Query Optimization (Projections)
- Exception Handling
Maven must be installed to run this application.
If you have maven execute the below command to run.
mvn clean package
Then deploy generated .war file(target) to servlet container(tomcat, jetty) or application server(payara, glassfish, tomee)
Site | Admin |
Home | Dashboard |
Login | Biographies |
Register | Biography add |
Search | Biography edit |
Letter | Biography delete |
Biography | Pages |
Page | Members |
Multi language | Comments |
Theme system | Settings |
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details
Created by Yusuf Sezer