This software is developed for RoboCup Junior Soccer. The robot has competed as "CAIO Tezukayama" in 2019 and "Leopard" in 2021.
- Video - Leopard (Soccer Open) - RoboCup 2021 WORLDWIDE
- This video and this video are also the same. Uploaded from TokyoTech.
- ロボカップジュニア日本大会2021オンライン (RoboCup Junior Japan Tournament 2021 Online)
- サッカーオープン 優勝 (SoccerOpen 1st Place)
- ベストプレゼンビデオ賞 (Best Presentation Video Award)
- ベストインタビュー賞 (Best Interview Award)
- ベストビジュアルポスター賞 (Best Visual Poster Award)
- RoboCup 2021 WORLDWIDE
- SoccerOpen Indvidual 1st Place
- SoccerOpen SuperTeam 1st Place
- Mbed
- This project is a program that runs on the main MCU developed on Mbed OS 5. The robot's GUI and motion algorithms are described. The MCU is STM32F446RET6.
- Arduino
- Encoder-attiny84-ID0x07
- Encoder-attiny84-ID0x08
- These projects are handles magnetic pulse encoders. Its MCU is ATtiny84 and developed on Arduino IDE.
- LineSensor-Front
- LineSensor-Right
- LineSensor-Left
- LineSensor-Back
- These projects handle each line sensor unit. Its MCU is ATtiny828 and developed on Arduino IDE.
- UpperCentralUnit
- This project handles deveices mounted on the upper unit, such as ultrasonic sensors, decorative LEDs, and display backlights. Its MCU is ATMEGA328P and developed on Arduino IDE.
- OpenMV
- This project is a program that detects the passive ball and goals with a camera. Its camera module is OpenMV M7 and developed on OpenMV IDE.