- Extentions
- formulahendry.auto-close-tag
- ymotongpoo.licenser
- yzhang.markdown-all-in-one
- wakatime.vscode-wakatime
- esbenp.prettier-vscode
- piotrpalarz.vscode-gitignore-generator
- formulahendry.auto-complete-tag
- vsls-contrib.codetour
- coenraads.bracket-pair-colorizer
- ms-vscode-remote.vscode-remote-extensionpack
- felixfbecker.php-intellisense
- felixfbecker.php-debug
- whatwedo.twig
- ikappas.phpcs
- ecodes.vscode-phpmd
- bmewburn.vscode-intelephense-client
- MehediDracula.php-namespace-resolver
- phproberto.vscode-php-getters-setters
- naumovs.color-highlight
- anseki.vscode-color
- vscode-icons-team.vscode-icons
- eamodio.gitlens
- Zignd.html-css-class-completion
- raynigon.nginx-formatter
- mrmlnc.vscode-apache
- mechatroner.rainbow-csv
- jock.svg
- tyriar.terminal-tabs
- formulahendry.terminal
- ms-vscode.vscode-typescript-tslint-plugin
- mgmcdermott.vscode-language-babel
- michelemelluso.code-beautifier
- editorconfig.editorconfig
- donjayamanne.githistory
- ecmel.vscode-html-css
- doublefint.pgsql
- mehedidracula.php-constructor
- neilbrayfield.php-docblocker
- marabesi.php-import-checker
- chrmarti.regex
- imperez.smarty
- vscodevim.vim
- davidanson.vscode-markdownlint
- compulim.vscode-clock
- mutantdino.resourcemonitor
- dotjoshjohnson.xml
- visualstudioexptteam.vscodeintellicode
- Extentions
To launch the "IDE" and set the current folder as the root of your application:
$ docker run -ti --rm --privileged -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix -v "$PWD":/var/www/html -e DISPLAY=unix$DISPLAY --device /dev/dri --name vscode --net="host" zaioll/vscode-php:latest
You can set up bash alias for the command above, for example:
nano ~/.bashrc
alias phpcode='docker run -ti --rm --privileged -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix -v "$PWD":/var/www/html -e DISPLAY=unix$DISPLAY --device /dev/dri --name vscode --net="host" zaioll/vscode-php:latest'
source ~/.bashrc
Once you set up the alias above, you can simply launch your "IDE" with simple command phpcode.
To stop the container and auto-remove it: Just use Ctrl+C
This image would work well with insready/drupal-dev, Xdebug remote debugging will simply work out of box.
This image makes assumption that the default remote server file path is at /var/www/html/. If this indeed is your remote file path, for example, you use insready/drupal-dev for setting up your Drupal develppment enviroment, then you do not need additional configuration. Otherwise, you need to create a mapping between your remote file path, and the file path inside this container, which defaults to /var/www/html/.
To create a file path mapping between remote and local file system, you have to set the localSourceRoot and serverSourceRoot settings in your launch.json, for example:
"serverSourceRoot": "/var/www/html/", "localSourceRoot": "${cwd}"