A dogs dinner of technology resulting in a system that is incredibly useful.
- 433MHz transmitter - control Power switches and Radiator valves anywhere around the house.
- Web App interface - control devices from anywhere you can use your mobile phone..
- Homekit bridge - voice control using Apple HomeKit.
- 12volt interface - connect to industry standard security sensors and sirens.
Key components:-
- Build last tested: 29/01/2019.
- Raspberry Pi 2 with 1GB memory or Raspberry Pi 3 with 1GB memory
- RASPBIAN STRETCH LITE - Version: November 2018 - Release date: 2018-11-13
- iPhone SE
- IOS 11.3.1
Full installation details are in the Wiki
Latest features:-
- Silent PostFix install - no more anoying dialog
- Certificate Authority and full keychain - Root CA certificate created during the install which can be installed to the iPhone providing authentication and encryption and allows the web app to run in full screen.
- Re-worked GUI to utilise the iPhone GPU to provide a dynamic, fluid background.
- Support for ESP8266 based temperature sensors
- Publish sketch for ESP8266 temperature sensors
- Graphs: trap no data error
- HTML emails
- readvars.php - test for valid session