A set of IRouteConstraint
that functions on EnumValues and the name value of the DisplayAttribute
on EnumValues for really nice urls
Install package from nuget Sustainable.Web.Mvc.EnumConstraint
How to have pretty urls with the slug determined by the display name of the enum value.
Having an enum like this
public enum EventTypeEnum
[Display(Name = "MyEvent", Description = "Events just for me")]
[Display(Name = "OurEvents", Description = "Events for us")]
[Display(Name = "Everybody", Description = "Events for everybody")]
and an action on a controller like this
public async Task<ActionResult> Details(EventTypeEnum type, string id)
// Notice how the parameter is the enum not a text field that you have to parse
return View();
It is possible to have urls that look like this
By setting the route information like this
app.UseMvc(routes =>
routes.MapRoute("events", "Events/{type}/{id}",
new { Controller = "Events", Action = "Details" },
new { type = new EnumDisplayNameConstraint<Models.Data.EventTypeEnum>(true)}
// Default mvc route
name: "default",
template: "{controller=Home}/{action=Index}/{id?}");
How to have pretty urls with the slug determined by the enum value.