A music & dice bot made for personal use.
I made this for use by my friends and I on Discord. You're welcome to use it if you want to, but it isn't intended for widespread use.
- Poise
- Serenity
- Songbird
- Lavalink (with the lavalink-rs Rust wrapper).
- Diesel
- SQLite
- SponsorBlock (with my sponsor-block-rs Rust wrapper).
While playing videos from YouTube, the bot will automatically skip sponsored segments, intros and outros, non-music sections in music videos, and more.
This uses the fantastic SponsorBlock service, which is run on curated user-submitted timestamps.
Parses the roll expression into Reverse Polish Notation, then processes dice rolls into numbers (by rolling) and calculates the result. Because of this, it supports arbitrary mathematical expressions - even with no dice involved.
For example, you can do crazy stuff like this:
-roll (3d20b2 + 11) ^ (d4 * 2) / 2d100w
Obviously this is beyond what a typical game would ever really require, but it was fun to implement.
The format for dice rolls is <count>d<size>
You can also do (dis)advantage with either [b]est or [w]orst after the roll,
followed by the number of best/worst rolls you want to keep.
For example:
to roll 6 d8s and keep the best 4.