Convoworks Editor is an AngularJs web app for the Conwoworks PHP framework.
Using NPM
npm i @zef-dev/convoworks-editor
or using Yarn
yarn add @zef-dev/convoworks-editor
In order to run it, your host application has to include thise libraries (through CDN or build process)
"angular": "^1.8.0",
"angular-animate": "1.8.*",
"angular-cookies": "1.8.*",
"angular-sanitize": "1.8.*",
"bootstrap": "^3.4.1",
"jquery": "^1.12.1",
"jquery-ui-dist": "^1.12.1",
"react": "^16.13.1",
"react-dom": "^16.13.1"
You have to implement your own LoginService
which givess access to signed user.
- returns promise which will resolve to user where user is represented as
"name":"Display Name",
- returns boolean
You have to provide API base urls as angular constants
var appModule = angular.module('');
appModule.constant( 'CONVO_PUBLIC_API_BASE_URL', 'http://localhost/myapp/rest_public/convo/v1');
appModule.constant( 'CONVO_ADMIN_API_BASE_URL', 'http://localhost/myapp/rest_admin/convo/v1');
Your app bootrap might look like
import angular from 'angular';
import '@uirouter/angularjs';
import LoginService from './login-service';
import convo from '@zef-dev/convoworks-editor';
const appModule = angular.module( 'my.convo.implementation', [
]).service('LoginService', LoginService);
export default appModule;
For more information, please check out