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Minimal Portfolio

This is a repository for my minimal portfolio, a project I created to showcase the cool projects I've worked on during my free time. This portfolio is a reflection of my journey and skills, and I hope it provides a clear and engaging overview of my work.

Technologies Used

  • React: For building the user interface.
  • JavaScript: The primary programming language used.
  • Vercel: For hosting the website with Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD).


I created this portfolio to not only display my projects but also to challenge myself and learn more about modern web development practices. It was a fun and rewarding experience that allowed me to:

  • Enhance my React skills
  • Gain experience with JavaScript
  • Implement CI/CD pipelines using Vercel


  • Project Showcase: Highlight the projects I've worked on, including descriptions, technologies used, and links to the live versions or repositories.
  • Responsive Design: The portfolio is fully responsive, providing a seamless experience on both desktop and mobile devices.
  • Modern UI/UX: A clean and minimalistic design that focuses on the content and provides an intuitive user experience.