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Self Compiling

zekro edited this page Jun 26, 2020 · 5 revisions


If you are using windows:

  • git bash
    This will be automatically installed with git on windwos. You need git bash, because the build script must be executed with bash.

Gettings the sources

You can download the lastest soucres from master branch as zip archive here or download them from the releases page. Also, you can clone the repository with git:

git clone


You have teh following two options to compile shinpuru.

A) Using make

You can compile the binaries and web assets by using the Makefile:

$ make

A bin directory will be generated including the self-contained shinpuru_<version> binary and the web assets.

B) Step by step manual compiling

First of all, create a directory with the name bin.

$ mkdir bin

After that, build the shinpuru backend binary.

$ go build -o bin/shinpuru ./cmd/shinpuru/main.go

Now, change directory to the web dir.

$ cd web

Following, install all required node dependencies.

$ npm install

In the next step, build the frontend assets.

$ npx ng build --prod --output-path ../bin/web/dist/web

Now, all assets and binaries you need are in the bin location.