© 2023 Copyright SES AI
Author: Daniel Cogswell
Email: danielcogswell@ses.ai
Python module and command line tool for reading and converting Neware nda and ndax battery cycling files. Auxiliary temperature fields are currently supported in nda format, with support for ndax auxiliary fields in development.
To install from the PyPi package repository:
pip install NewareNDA
To install from source, clone this repository and run:
cd NewareNDA
pip install .
import NewareNDA
df = NewareNDA.read('filename.nda')
NewareNDA-cli.py in_file.nda --format feather out_file.ftr
The following --format
options are supported: csv, excel, feather, hdf, json, parquet, pickle, stata
If you encounter a key error, it is often the case that your file has a hardware setting that we have not seen before. Usually it is a quick fix that requires comparing output from BTSDA with values extracted by NewareNDA. Please start a new Github Issue and we will help debug.