This example shows how to create a workflow that retrieves the latest messages from a Slack channel and stores the date, author and content in an Airtable table.
- A Zenaton account, APP id and API key
- A Slack account with an app API key
- A Airtable account with an API key and a table with this columns:
- date (datetime)
- from (string)
- message (string)
Step by step workflow logic:
- Retrieve the last N messages from a Slack channel
- Retrieve the content of the Airtable table
- Saves all Slack messages not present in Airtable
Dispatch this workflow by using the Zenaton graphQL API:
curl --request POST \
--url '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <api Token>' \
--data '
"query": "mutation($input: DispatchWorkflowInput!) { dispatchWorkflow(input: $input) { id } }",
"variables": {
"input": {
"appId": "<app id>",
"environment": "<environment>",
"name": "slackToAirtableWorkflow",
"input": "[\"SLACK_CHANNEL\", \"30\", \"AIRTABLE_TABLE\", \"AIRTABLE_SHEET\"]"
You can also use the Zenaton scheduler to dispatch this workflow every day at 2PM:
curl --request POST \
--url '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <api Token>' \
--data '
"query": "mutation($input: ScheduleWorkflowInput!) { scheduleWorkflow(input: $input) { id } }",
"variables": {
"input": {
"appId": "<app id>",
"environment": "<environment>",
"cron": "0 2 * * *",
"name": "slackToAirtableWorkflow",
"input": "[\"SLACK_CHANNEL\", \"30\", \"AIRTABLE_TABLE\", \"AIRTABLE_SHEET\"]"
Click this button , then fill in the env variables and click "deploy".