- bspwm - a tiling window manager that represents windows as the leaves of a full binary tree
- cava - Console-based Audio Visualizer for ALSA
- kitty - open-source GPU-accelerated terminal emulator
- picom - (ibhagwan's fork) - a compositor for X
- polybar - a fast and easy to use tool for creating status bars
- rofi - a window switcher, application launcher and dmenu replacement
- sxhkd - a simple X hotkey daemon
- brillo - control the brightness of backlight and keyboard LED devices on Linux
- pamixer - pulseaudio command line mixer
- betterlockscreen - a sleek lockscreen for Linux
- Nerd Fonts - a library with monospace fonts and icons (this is required for polybar)
- zsh (Z shell) with Oh My ZSH! framework
- icat (kitty +kitten icat example.jpeg) - display images in terminal
- pfetch - a pretty system information tool written in POSIX sh'
- To actually get sxhkd running, you need to:
- install brillo, pamixer, betterlockscreen and Nerd Fonts
- set up your own language for setxkbmap (the current one is fi/ru)
- And change the path to your wallpaper