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Using attribute routing in controller (for mezzio,slim,laravel).


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PSR MVC handler

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Using MVC style for PSR handler applications, like dotnet core MVC.
Using the PHP attributes (annotations), convert the controller to PSR15 RequestHandlerInterface object.


composer require zfegg/psr-mvc


Attributes usage like dotnet core MVC

MVC Route

Getting started with Mezzio

// File config/config.php
// Add ConfigProvider 

new ConfigAggregator([
// config/autoload/global.php
use Zfegg\PsrMvc\Container\HandlerFactory;

return [
    // Add scan controllers paths
    \Zfegg\PsrMvc\Routing\RouteMetadata::class => [
        'paths' => ['path/to/Controller'],
        'cacheFile' => 'data/cache/route-meta.php', // For cache routes

// path/to/Controller/HomeController.php
public class HomeController
    public index(?int $id)
        return new HtmlResponse();

    public about(?int $id)
        return new HtmlResponse();


  • Route(string $path, array $middlewares = [], ?string $name = null, array $options = [], ?array $methods = null)
  • HttpGet(string $path, array $middlewares = [], ?string $name = null, array $options = [])
  • HttpPost(string $path, array $middlewares = [], ?string $name = null, array $options = [])
  • HttpPatch(string $path, array $middlewares = [], ?string $name = null, array $options = [])
  • HttpPut(string $path, array $middlewares = [], ?string $name = null, array $options = [])
  • HttpDelete(string $path, array $middlewares = [], ?string $name = null, array $options = [])
  • HttpHead(string $path, array $middlewares = [], ?string $name = null, array $options = [])

Register routes by PHP attributes.

return [
  RouteMetadata::class => [
    // Scan controller paths.
    'paths' => [

The following code applies #[Route("/[controller]/[action]")] to the controller:

public class HomeController
    public index(?int $id)
        return new HtmlResponse();

    public about(?int $id)
        return new HtmlResponse();

Combining attribute routes

use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface;

#[Route("/api/[controller]")] // Route prefix `/api/products`
class ProductsController {

    #[HttpGet]   // GET /api/products
    public function listProducts(): array {
        return $db->fetchAllProducts();
    // Route path `/api/products/{id}`
    #[HttpGet('{id}')] // GET /api/products/123
    public function getProduct(int $id): object {
        return $db->find($id);
    #[HttpPost]  // POST /api/products
    public function create(#[FromBody(root: true)] array $data): object {
        // ...
        return $db->find($lastInsertId);

Wrap controller handler

Using param attributes

  • FromAttribute(?string $name = null)
    • $name default is the parameter name
  • FromBody(?string $name = null, ?bool $root = false, array $serializerContext = [])
    • $name default is the parameter name
  • FromContainer(?string $name = null)
    • $name default is the parameter type
  • FromCookie(?string $name = null)
    • $name default is the parameter name
  • FromHeader(?string $name = null)
    • $name default is the parameter name
  • FromQuery(?string $name = null)
    • $name default is the parameter name
  • FromServer(string $name)
use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface;
use Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface;

POST /api/example/hello?page=1
Host: localhost
Cookie: PHPSESSION=xxx


class ExampleController {
    public function post(
        int $page,              // 1
        string $name,           // "foo"
        \PDO $container,        // object(PDO)
        string $sessionId,      // "xxx"
        string $host,           // "localhost"
        string $ip,             // ""
    ): void {
        return ;
    // Default binding params
    public function hello(
       ServerRequestInterface $request,  // Default bind `$request`.
       int $id,    // Default bind `$request->getAttribute('id')`.
       Foo $foo,   // If container exists the `Foo`, default bind `$container->get('id')`.
       Bar $bar,   // Default bind `$request->getAttribute(Bar::class, $request->getAttribute('bar'))`.
    ): void {

Default param bindings

class ExampleController {
    public function hello(
       ServerRequestInterface $request,  // Default bind `$request`.
       int $id,    // Default bind `$request->getAttribute('id')`.
       Foo $foo,   // If container exists the `Foo`, default bind `$container->get('id')`.
       Bar $bar,   // Default bind `$request->getAttribute(Bar::class, $request->getAttribute('bar'))`.
    ): void {

Prepare result to PSR response.

Resolves various types of method results convert to 'Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface'. For resolve callback result to ResponseInterface.


class ExampleResponseController {
    #[HttpPost('/hello-void')]  // `void` -> HTTP 204 No Content
    public function helloVoid(): void {

     *  If result is string, then convert to `HtmlResponse` object.
     *  `new HtmlResponse($result)`
    public function helloString(): string {
      return '<h1>Hello</h1>';
     *  If result is array, default convert to `JsonResponse` object.
     *  `new JsonResponse($result)`
    public function helloArray(): array {
      return ['foo' => 'a', 'bar' => 'b'];

Zfegg\PsrMvc\Preparer\SerializationPreparer (Recommend)

Serialize by symfony/serializer and write the response body.

class ExampleResponseController {
    #[HttpPost('/hello-void')]  // `void` -> HTTP 204 No Content
    public function helloVoid(): void {

     * Serialize by `symfony/serializer`.
     * The serialization format is parsed by `FormatMatcher`.
     * <code>
     * $result = $serializer->serialize($result, $format);
     * $response->withBody($result);
     * </code>
    public function hello(): Foo {
     return new Foo();

Preparer options:

Key description
status Http response code.
headers Http response headers.
<more> $serializer->serialize context variables.

The PrepareResult attribute

Using #[PrepareResult] attribute to select a preparer and pass the context.

use \Zfegg\PsrMvc\Preparer\SerializationPreparer;
use Zfegg\PsrMvc\Attribute\PrepareResult;

class ExampleResponseController {
    #[HttpPost('/hello-void')]  // `void` -> HTTP 204 No Content
    public function helloVoid(): void {

     * 选用 `SerializationPreparer` 预处理器, 处理结果.
    #[PrepareResult(SerializationPreparer::class, ['status' => 201, 'headers' => ['X-Test' => 'foo']])]
    public function hello(): Foo {
     return new Foo();

Example for Mezzio :

// Class file HelloController.php

class HelloController {
  public function say(
    \Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface $request, // Inject request param
    string $name, // Auto inject param from $request->getAttribute('name').
    Foo $foo     // Auto inject param from container.
  ) {
    return new TextResponse('hello ' . $name);
// File config/config.php
// Add ConfigProvider 

new ConfigAggregator([
// config/autoload/global.php
// Add demo class factories

use Zfegg\PsrMvc\Container\HandlerFactory;

return [
    'dependencies' => [
        'invokables' => [
        'factories' => [
            Hello::class . '@say' => HandlerFactory::class, 

Register route without attribute.

Using CallableHandlerAbstractFactory register route.

// config/autoload/global.php
// Add demo class factories

use Zfegg\PsrMvc\Container\CallbackHandlerAbstractFactory;

return [
    'dependencies' => [
        'factories' => [
            ExampleController::class . '@fooMethod' => CallbackHandlerAbstractFactory::class, 

$app->get('/foo-method', ExampleController::class . '@fooMethod')

Register abstract factory in laminas/laminias-servicemanager.

// config/autoload/global.php
// Add demo class factories

use Zfegg\PsrMvc\Container\CallbackHandlerAbstractFactory;

return [
    'dependencies' => [
        'invokables' => [
        'abstract_factories' => [

class User {
  function create() {}
  function getList() {}
  function get($id) {}
  function delete($id) {}

// CallableHandlerDecorator abstract factory.

ErrorHandler for mezzio

Rich error handling,

Response to json format

Throw exception in handler.

use \Zfegg\PsrMvc\Exception\AccessDeniedHttpException;
use \Zfegg\PsrMvc\Attribute\HttpGet;

class FooController {
  public function fooAction() {
    throw new AccessDeniedHttpException("Foo", code: 100);

When request is ajax will response to json result:

HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden


logging errors

When errors occur, you may want to listen for them in order to provide features such as logging. See

use Laminas\Stratigility\Middleware\ErrorHandler;
use Zfegg\PsrMvc\Container\LoggingError\LoggingErrorDelegator;

return [
    'dependencies' => [
        'delegators' => [
            ErrorHandler::class => [


Using attribute routing in controller (for mezzio,slim,laravel).








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