This plugin provides spring-session support in grails application. SpringSession provides nice features:
- HttpSession
- Clustered Sessions
- Multiple Browser Sessions
- RESTful APIs
- WebSocket
SpringSession uses Redis to persist the HTTP Sessions. You can find official documentation for Spring Session project here:
Currently this plugin provides support for HttpSession only. WebSocket support will be added in further release.
Just add a plugin in BuildConfig.groovy.
plugins {
runtime ":spring-session:1.2"
Note: Redis must be installed on your machine.
Default configuration will lookup Redis server on your localhost
port 6379
. To override default configuration add below code in Config.groovy
springsession.redis.connectionFactory.hostName = "<redis server ip>"
springsession.redis.connectionFactory.port = 6379
springsession.redis.connectionFactory.password = "<password>"
springsession.redis.connectionFactory.timeout = 2000
springsession.redis.connectionFactory.usePool = true
springsession.redis.connectionFactory.dbIndex = 0
Default session strategy is Cookie
based and session cookie name is SESSION
You can override the default session strategy
This will enable HTTP Header based session strategy. Default token name is x-auth-token
you can override this
springsession.strategy.token.headerName = "new token name"
To change default cookie name add below configuration."Your Cookie name"
(Note: Property is no longer available in version 1.1 and higher)
springsession.redis.sentinel.master="<Sentinel master name>"
springsession.redis.sentinel.nodes=[[host: "hostname", port: xxxx], [host: "another host", port: xxxx]]
springsession.redis.sentinel.password="Sentinel password"
By default spring session doesn't update mutable object value stored in session. You can override this behaviour by setting
below property to true
. By default this value is false
springsession.allow.persist.mutable = true
- Grails 2.4 +
- Redis 2.8 +