image2text is an Ethereum ready dapp that applies google's tesseract-OCR engine to extract text from images. So whether you are creating a billing app or converting images to searchable pdfs, image2text is the right tool.
Bring your images together in a folder (exp: DATADIR) and add an input-config.yml
file in the same folder. This file defines text's language for each image and it should respect the <imagename>: <lang>
format. You can keep the language's section empty but this may affect the performance of the extraction process.
In the app/app-config.yml
file, change the datadir parameter to the path of your folder (DATADIR for our example) and run the script.
$ git clone && cd image2text/
$ sed -i "s/\/iexec/<path/to/datadir/folder>/" app/app-config.yml
$ python3 app/src/
You shoud find your extracted text files in the DATADIR/out/
Arabic (ar), Chinese simple (zh), English (en), Spanish (es), Frensh (fr), German (de), Italian (it), Japanese (ja),Korean (ko), Portuguese (pt), Russian (ru), Turkish (tr).
Tested extensions: jpeg, bmp, png
Those extensions are accepted but were not tested yet: pbm, pgm, ppm, tiff, rast, xbm
After installing docker and preparing your DATADIR folder, just grab the docker image from dockerhub and run it:
$ docker run -v abs/path/to/datadir:/iexec/ ziedguesmi/image2text
Or you can build your own image from dockerfile:
# clone the dapp
$ git clone && cd image2text/
# build the docker image
$ docker build -t image2text .
# run the container
$ docker run -v abs/path/to/datadir:/iexec/ image2text
Install system dependencies:
# ubuntu as an example
$ apt-get update && apt-get install -y \
libtesseract-dev \
libsm6 \
python3 \
python3-pip \
tesseract-ocr \
tesseract-ocr-ara \
tesseract-ocr-eng \
tesseract-ocr-fra \
tesseract-ocr-spa \
tesseract-ocr-deu \
tesseract-ocr-chi-sim \
tesseract-ocr-ita \
tesseract-ocr-jpn \
tesseract-ocr-por \
tesseract-ocr-rus \
tesseract-ocr-tur \
Clone the app:
$ git clone
Install python depedencies:
$ cd image2text/
$ pip3 install -r app/requirements.txt
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details