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ECCV2016 Amodal instance segmentation 论文
1 ICCV2017 Semantic Amodal Segmentation 论文
2 CVPR2019 Amodal Instance Segmentation with KINS Dataset 论文
3 27th ACM (SLN)Learning Semantics-aware Distance Map with Semantics Layering Network for Amodal Instance Segmentation 论文
4 ICCV2019 Embodied Amodal Recognition:Learning to Move to Perceive Objects 论文
5 WACV2019 (ORCNN)Learning to see the invisible: End-to-end trainable amodal instance segmentation 论文
6 ICLR2021 Weakly-Supervised Amodal Instance Segmentation with Compositional Priors 论文
7 CVPR2020 Self-Supervised Scene De-occlusion 论文
8 CVPR2020 BANet: Bidirectional Aggregation Network with Occlusion Handling for Panoptic Segmentation 论文
9 CVPR2021 (BCNet)Deep Occlusion-Aware Instance Segmentation with Overlapping BiLayers 论文
10 AAAI2021 Amodal segmentation based on visible region segmentation and shape prior 论文
11 CVPR2021 Occlusion-Aware Video Object Inpainting 论文
12 arXiv2022 Aisformer: Amodal instance segmentation with transformer 论文
13 Nips2022 Self-supervised Amodal Video Object Segmentation 论文
14 CVPR2022 Amodal panoptic segmentation 论文
15 AAAI2023 Amodal Instance Segmentation via Prior-Guided Expansion 论文
16 ICCV2023 Coarse-to-Fine Amodal Segmentation with Shape Prior 论文
17 ICCV2023 Rethinking Amodal Video Segmentation from Learning Supervised Signals with Object-centric Representation 论文
18 ICCV2023 MUVA: A New Large-Scale Benchmark for Multi-View Amodal Instance Segmentation in the Shopping Scenario 论文
19 ECCV2022 2D Amodal Instance Segmentation Guided by 3D Shape Prior 论文


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