Intima-media Segmentation ReadMe
The repository contains the Matlab implementation of the parallel boundary detection algorithm proposed in:
Zhou, Y.; Cheng, X.; Xu, X. & Song, E.
Dynamic programming in parallel boundary detection with application to ultrasound intima-media segmentation
Medical image analysis, Elsevier, 2013, 17, 892-906
--------------------------------- Usage -------------------------------------
Simply running "LDLD.m" will execute the algorithm on the attached synthetic image.
The "dld_dp" folder contains the c++ files for the dynamic programming algorithm (compiled into dld_dp.mexw64 and dld_dp.mexw32).
"LDLD.m" - main demo file.
"imt_snake_model.m" - implements the final curve refinement step.
"scale_multi.m" - calculates the edge map.
-------------------------------- Contact ----------------------------------
If you have any questions, please contact:
Yuan Zhou