- Visualize the life satisfaction (happiness index) across the globe. (in file zihanzhou_r, done by Zihan Zhou)
- Visualize the trend of Covid-19 cases and mortality rates, and combine the world happiness with total Covid-19 cases and deaths. (in file covid-deaths, done by Shiyuan Wang)
- Visualize the trend of Covid-19 vaccination rates, and combine the world happiness with vaccination rate, and visualize the correlation between Covid-19 vaccination rates and world happiness. (in file vaccination, done by Kimmy Liu)
- Use Anova analysis to figure the impacts of Covid-19 cases, deaths, vaccination rates and different factors across fields, such as public policy, public health, economics etc. on the happiness index. (in file songyuan, done by Songyuan Wang)
- Explore as many R packages as we can.
- pdf (We have a 7-page html but it's too large to show here, so we upload the pdf file of our slides.)
- rmd
world happiness 2021 https://github.com/owid/owid-datasets/blob/master/datasets/World%20Happiness%20Report%20(2021)/World%20Happiness%20Report%20(2021).csv
MortalityDataWHR2021C2 https://worldhappiness.report/ed/2021/#appendices-and-data
DataPanelWHR2021C2 https://worldhappiness.report/ed/2021/#appendices-and-data
covid_excess_mortality https://github.com/owid/covid-19-data/tree/master/public/data/excess_mortality
world happniess , world happiness 2021 https://www.kaggle.com/ajaypalsinghlo/world-happiness-report-2021?select=world-happiness-report.csv
covid_19 by country, by region: https://github.com/TheEconomist/covid-19-the-economist-global-excess-deaths-model/tree/main/output-data
u.s state vaccinations, https://github.com/owid/covid-19-data/tree/master/public/data/vaccinations
Covid global vaccination data: https://github.com/owid/covid-19-data/tree/master/public/data/vaccinations