A Raspberry Pi based food ordering button
push4food is a DIY project I had in mind for a while: a button to order food.
Here it is:
It works with a Raspberry Pi (B+ here, but any version should work) using Node.js and foodcommander, a food ordering CLI / library I created for that purpose.
At the time it only works at Domino's Pizza in France (but feel free to extend foodcommander to add your favorite franchise !).
Usage of the button is pretty simple:
If you want to know more about it, read this post: push4food : a connected button to order pizza
- a Raspberry Pi (any model)
- a push button (micro-switch) with a built-in led like this one http://www.adafruit.com/product/1185 or this one http://www.adafruit.com/products/1193
- wiringPi utility command installed to configure GPIO pullupdown (install instructions here)
- Node.js
npm install push4food -g
push4food -v -c 30 -o order.json
Will start push4food in verbose mode (-v), with an order delay of 30 seconds (-c) using the order.json as configuraiton file (-o)
push4food --help
Usage: push4food [options]
-h, --help output usage information
-V, --version output the version number
-b, --button [button] button GPIO port. Default is 23
-l, --led [led] led GPIO port. Default is 18
-o, --order [order] order file template as JSON
-v, --verbose outputs debug info
-d, --dryrun dry run mode: order will not be sent
-c, --countdown [countdown] countdown length in seconds. Default is 300
"franchiseId": "dominos_fr",
"storeId": "31664",
"address": {
"firstName": "Homer",
"lastName": "Simpson",
"email": "homer.simpson@somewhere.com",
"phone": "0999555555",
"intercom": null,
"building": null,
"floor": null,
"streetNumber": "74",
"streetName": "evergreen terrace",
"postalCode": "34090",
"city": "montpellier"
"dish": {
"id": "P4FB"
"variant": {
"options": {
"size": "med."
"comment": "Be quick, I'm hungry"