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Think supervisord with remote commandeering via rpc and more...


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#Think supervisord plus remote commandeering via rpc

##Supervisor functions Register processes to be started and monitored in a familiar way using an easy to write toml file. Sample: (Check Below)

Live Process Interaction via web API and RPC client

  • View process stats i.e cpu/mem usage
  • Start/Stop/Restart a process
  • Detach a process to allow it to run without zist supervision
  • View a list of all managed processes and valuable information e.g [{"isalive":true,"name":"xm","numrestarts":1,"path":"/home/eziscky/Golang/src/","pid":2067,"timealive":"13.410013177s","timestarted":"2015-12-17 13:36:44.540403109 +0300 EAT"}]
  • Get stdout/stderr process logs and log files.

##Process Detach

  • If you don't like the coupling of your proc's instance with zist you can simply detach it after you're done monitoring it N.B Process Detach is only supported for direct invocation of binaries. So if you run a sh script, I'm working to support that. Or just send in a pull request :)


  • Live process hijacking.



###Building from source You will need to install Go ( You can clone this repo: or use go get In the zist directory run the bash script Run sudo zist install, or not sudo if you have correct permissions for: - /usr/bin - /etc On installation zistd and zistcl will be installed in /usr/bin. Typically for remote administration all you need on the server is zistd.

###Configuration Configurations are stored in /etc/zist

The file of interest is /etc/zist/conf.toml

It typically looks like this: - Maintain quotes for strings.

Confdir = "/etc/zist/conf.d"
Web = true
Protocol = "http"
HTTPPort = 7000
Token = "zis"
RPCPort = 9876

These are the defaults.

- Confdir: where zistd will look for process config files
- Web: if zistd will render process information via the web API
- Protocol: http or https
- HTTPPort: where the web API server will listen
- RPCPort: where the rpc server will listen
- Token: used to secure API/RPC connections

A few gotchas: - Strings in the config file should be in quotation. View for more on toml. - For https you have to provide the keyfile and certfile when running zist

Put your app config files in the Confdir directory specified in conf.toml - Each app/process/script must have its own file - The name of the file does not matter

Name = "name of the process.(no spaces or special chars)"
Path = "/path/to/process"
Args = "-your -app -args"
Restart = true/false
Web = true/false 

###Running Run it with nohup zistd & to run it in the background. To generate a secure token: - Run zistd generate - Copy the token to your config file


There are 2 ways to interact with a running zistd instance. ####1. zistcl zistcl is a commandline tool to interact with zistd.(Kinda like supervisord supervisorctl relationship) You can get the following info and more by running zistcl -h To connect to a zistd instance: zistcl host:port token [cmd] for remote connection to zistd zistcl -l [cmd] for local connection

        zistcl mysecuretoken status //Get zistd status
        zistcl -l log //get zistd log output
        zistcl -l app1 status //get app1 status
        zistcl mysecuretoken  app1 detach

####2. Web API Here are the API routes: Output is standard JSON. host:port/{token} -> Gets All the monitored process info, including pid that can be used in the below requests host:port/{token}/{pid}/stats host:port/{token}/{pid}/kill host:port/{token}/{pid}/start host:port/{token}/{pid}/restart host:port/{token}/{pid}/stdout host:port/{token}/{pid}/stderr host:port/{token}/{pid}/detach

#NOTE - Beta software do not use in prod - Feel free to contribute - Tell me what you do with it - Works on Linux only


Think supervisord with remote commandeering via rpc and more...







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