- Landscape of gene expression of Tomato.
- Genotype specific heat responsive genes patterns
- tissue specific heat responsive genes patterns
- Candidate gene selection
- Co-expression of candidate genes for their co regulation and Conserved candidate genes selection by phylogenetic profiling
- Gene ontology enrichment analysis of candidate genes
Following the steps
For mac users, it is recommended to install xquartz (https://github.com/XQuartz/XQuartz/releases/download/XQuartz-2.8.1/XQuartz-2.8.1.dmg) for handling libraries , applications and to avoid long waiting time to create heatmaps.
- $ git clone https://github.com/zitunstu24/GeneExpressionProfiling
- $ cd GeneExpressionProfiling
- $ Rscript packages.R
- $ cd inputs
- $ gunzip combined_abundance.tsv.gz
- $ cd ../
We are ready to go
Then run scripts in terminal with Rscript (e.g Rscript 1_DEGs.R)
RNA samples collected from GEO with a diverse combination of
- 17 genotypes of Tomato
- 7 tissue types
- 3 level of heat treatments with respective controls
- Different duration of heats
inputs/master.table.csv contains all details information of samples, SRA, genotype, tissues and stress.
Downloading, quality checking and mapping was done by using https://github.com/NAMlab/rnaseq-mapper tool.
Co-evolution profil was analysed by following Hogprof (https://github.com/DessimozLab/HogProf) and OMA browser.
If you have any questions please feel free to contact with me zitunstu24@gmail.com (Abul Khayer)