Javascript implementation of a standalone Zkitter node
To install CLI:
npm i -g zkitter-js
To sync:
# either https or wss provider will work
zkitter init -a wss://[api-key]
zkitter sync
zkitter timeline --limit=5
CLI options:
-V, --version output the version number
-h, --help display help for command
init [options] initialize zkitter
status display status
timeline [options] display timeline
sync [options] sync with arbitrum and group
fetch [options] fetch historical data (30 days max) from waku
whois <address> sync with arbitrum and group
up start zkitter and subscribe to all global events
write [options] publish a post
list [options] list all groups or users
help [command] display help for command
import { Zkitter } from 'zkitter-js';
const zkitter = await Zkitter.initialize({
arbitrumHttpProvider: 'https://...',
// Sync with arbitrum registrar
await zkitter.syncUsers();
// Sync with zk groups on zkitter
await zkitter.syncGroup();
// Get all historical messages (30 days) from Waku store
await zkitter.queryAll();
// Subscribe to all future messages from everyone
await zkitter.subscribe();
# node v16
npm install
# build a dev cli to build/cli.js
npm run dev