This repository contains Python code for a text analysis application that demonstrates two text analysis techniques: Document Classification and Document Clustering. It uses the data in the ResearchPapers directory and calculates the TF and IDF values to make the TF-IDF scores of the documents. These TF-IDF scores is then used for both Document Classification and Document Clustering tasks.
Document Classification: This is a supervised learning technique that assigns a label to a text document. The labels can be binary, multi-class, or multi-label. The app uses the K-Nearest Neighbors algorithm to classify the text documents.
Document Clustering: This is an unsupervised learning technique that groups similar text documents together. The goal is to discover the underlying structure in the text data. The app uses the K-Means algorithm to cluster the text documents.
- File:
- Description: This script calculates the Term Frequency (TF), Inverse Document Frequency (IDF), and TF-IDF weights for the terms in the text documents. It preprocesses the text files, extracts stopwords, and saves the weights to CSV files.
- File:
- Description: This script sets up the homepage of the application using Streamlit. It provides an overview of the app and its functionalities.
- File:
- Description: This script implements the document classification functionality of the application. It trains a K-Nearest Neighbors model using TF-IDF weights and evaluates the model using accuracy, recall, F1-score, and precision metrics.
- File:
- Description: This script implements the document clustering functionality of the application. It trains a K-Means clustering model using TF-IDF weights and evaluates the model using purity, silhouette score, and adjusted Rand index metrics. It also generates an Elbow Chart and displays the top keywords for each cluster.
To run the information retrieval system, follow these steps:
- Ensure you have Python 3.12 installed.
- Install all the dependencies by running "pip install -r requirements.txt" in the terminal.
- Make sure Stopword-List.txt and the Research Paper directory containing all the documents is in your current working directory.
- Run the files in an IDE.
- Run this command to download the tokennizer'punkt')
- Run the '' script first using 'python' to create and save the weights.
- Type python -m streamlit run on the terminal.
- Navigate through different pages of the Streamlit GUI using the sidebar.
- Press the cross button at the top right of the app to close the app.
Clone the repository: git clone
Install the required libraries: pip install -r requirements.txt
Run the streamlit app python -m streamlit run
Open the app in your browser and explore the text classification and text clustering functionalities.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.
- This project was inspired by information retrieval and machine learning concepts.
- Special thanks to the developers of NLTK for providing essential natural language processing tools.
- Special thanks to developers of Streamlit that was used to develop the GUI of the app.