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v1.26 doc readiness

nannanli edited this page Dec 9, 2021 · 2 revisions


Checkpoint Due Date Actual date Details
New version doc setup Nov 5 Nov 5 See the maintainer handbook for adding a new release
Relnotes: Call for notable changes Dec 7 Squad leads to provide updates
Relnotes: CHANGELOG update cutoff Dec 8 Doc squad to work with squads to complete review
Relnotes: Draft review Dec 10 First run of release notes. Squad leads and the community to review
Zowe CLI: Update web help Dec 10 Zowe CLI writer
Doc freeze, PR for publish ready Dec 10 All v1.26 PRs merged. Action: Inform CI/CD squad Tom of the doc PR number. Add CICD members as a reviewer.
Update TPSR Dec 13 Ashley will Work with CICD squad.
Doc publish Dec 13 Work with CICD squad.
Release promotion Dec 14 - 15 tbd Slack, LinkedIn, Twitter, etc
System demo Dec 20 See the OMP Calendar for details.
Write v1.26 release blog Dec 24 Owner: Ashley Li

Complete basic site configuration

  • Archive the previous version from the master branch.

  • Bump the release version in the docs-staging branch.

  • 2-3 days before the release date: Create PR to merge docs-staging to master to get ready for publish (PR state should be green)

    • Fix all broken links
    • For DCO failure, bypass DCO and inform relevant submitter to update the DCO_signoffs folder.
    • Inform build squad of the PR

Run release notes process

  • Immediately after the previous release is published: Update the release notes file to add a placeholder section for the upcoming release (should include three sections: notable changes, new features and enhancements, bug fixes).
  • Inform squad writers to review the individual CHANGELOGs
  • Email and Slack to ask all squad leads and the community to provide notable changes entry
  • Pull CHANGELOGs content for the latest release to the release notes document
  • Email and Slack to ask all squad leads to review the first release notes draft
  • Email and Slack to ask all squad leads to confirm the final draft