is a simple Rust command-line tool that prints random fortune entries.
Download and install from the Release page
Install via Cargo:
cargo install --git
MacOS users can install via Homebrew:
brew install zuisong/tap/rs-fortune
A rust version of fortune
Usage: rs-fortune [FORTUNE_FILE] [COMMAND]
completions Generate tab-completion scripts for your shell
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
[FORTUNE_FILE] The fortune cookie file path [env: FORTUNE_FILE=/Users/chen/.config/fish/kindle.txt]
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version
<fortune file>
is a text file containing fortune entries, separated by %
on a line of its own.
also supports reading <fortune file>
path from the FORTUNE_FILE
environment variable:
FORTUNE_FILE=fortunes.txt rs-fortune
If both command-line arguments and environment variables are provided, the command-line arguments take precedence.
For example, if a fortune file named fortunes.txt
Fortune favors the bold.
The early bird gets the worm.
Slow and steady wins the race.
You can use it like this:
rs-fortune fortunes.txt
# May output "Fortune favors the bold."
### You can also read the fortune file path from an environment variable
FORTUNE_FILE=fortunes.txt rs-fortune
### And it can read fortunes from pipeline
cat fortunes.txt | rs-fortune
# Print help information
rs-fortune --help
If <fortune file>
environment variable is not specified, it will print a default fortune.
This is a simple and practical command-line tool that can be used to print random quotes and sayings. Feedback and suggestions for improvement are welcome!