How it work (briefly):
- Put folder telegram/ on the server in the local network. (Need internet access)
- Сhange settings in telegram/ (look at the comments)
- Run /telegram/
To use this bot u need:
- Put folder telegram/ on the server in the local network. (Need internet access)
- Create bot in telegram. Send "/newbot" to @BotFather.
- Copy u API tokem. Send "/mybot" to @BotFather, select u bot, and select API token. (looks something like 123456:ABC-DEF1234ghIkl-zyx57W2v1u123ew11)
- Paste u API token in telegram/
- Change all u want in telegram/
- Import telebot library (pip install telebot)
- Import paramico library (pip install paramiko)
- Start