Vision servoing based object following and obstacle avoidance using the Baxter robot.
A visual servoing control method enhanced by an obstacle avoidance strategy using potential based function. The solution require relative bearing measurements, which acquire from the RGB-camera by color-based detection method through OpenCV. Eye-in-hand sensor arrangement can provide a relative high accuracy and avoid vision collision. We also validate our approach by implementation on the Baxter robot.
Save this package into catkin_ws/src/.
Verify the robot is enabled.
rosrun baxter_tools -e
- Start the joint trajectory controller.
rosrun baxter_interface --mode position
- Open the camera on the left hand.
rosrun baxter_tools -o left_hand_camera -r 960x600
rosrun image_view image_view image:=/cameras/left_hand_camera/image
- Run the tracking part.
rosrun VisualServoingBaxter
- Run the following part.
rosrun VisualServoingBaxter
Trajectories of the object and the Baxter robot.