Tencent Transaction Processing Testbed System (3TS) that is jointly developed by Tencent's CynosDB (TDSQL) team and the Key Laboratory of Data Engineering and Knowledge Engineering of the Ministry of Education of Renmin University of China. The system aims to design and construct a unified framework for transaction processing (including distributed transactions). It enables users to quickly build new concurrency control approaches via the access interface provided by the framework. Based on an comprehensive experiment study over the benchmarks, and the applications abstracted, users can select an optimal concurrency control approach. At present, 3TS has been integrated 13 mainstream concurrency control approaches, and provides common benchmarks such as TPC-C, PPS, and YCSB. 3TS further provides a consistency level test benchmark, to address the issue of system selection difficulty caused by the blowout development of distributed database systems, and provides consistency level discrimination and performance test comparison.
If you want to better understand the aims of our project, please view 3TS opensource announcement.
To test the consistency of real databases. We generate the anomaly histories, and simulate multi-users transaction requesting to databases.
Check out some test cases (e.g., Dirty Write) and result (e.g., passed by MySQL at Serializable Level).
You can explore all results on report webpage.
Provide two installation methods for the project environment: Docker and Compilation, and you can freely choose the installation method.
If you have not installed Docker, you can use the following command to install it with one click.
curl -s https://get.docker.com/ | sh
Obtain Mirror
docker pull registry.cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/open_projects/3ts_coo:1.0
Obtain Mirror to view the image ID and generate a container based on the image ID
docker images
docker run -it [image_id] /bin/bash
View all containers and enter the generated container
docker ps -a
docker exec -it [container_id] /bin/bash
To generate Makefile (all commands are executed under '3TS/src/dbtest'):
cmake -S ./
To complie the code:
If using Docker installation, the container defaults to installing and configuring the database PostgreSQL,Start it using the following command (if you choose to compile the installation method, you need to install the database and configure it):
/etc/init.d/postgresql start
For test cases, it specify in "do_test_list.txt". Use "#" to exclude (comment) the test case. We provide three levels of test cases, i.e., the basic cases (33 anomalies in the paper), the predicate cases, and the MDA cases (with multiple transactions and objects). For specific test cases to evaluate, we specify it in do_test_list.txt.
// to test all test cases
cp t/bk_do_test_list_all.txt do_test_list.txt
// to test only basic cases
cp t/bk_do_test_list_basic.txt do_test_list.txt
// to test only predicate cases
cp t/bk_do_test_list_predicate.txt do_test_list.txt
Edit "auto_test.sh" for database configurations (e.g., username, password). Edit "auto_test_all.sh" for database (e.g., PostgreSQL, and MySQL) and isolation (e.g., SERIALIZABLE, REPEATABLE READ, READ COMMITTED, and READ UNCOMMITTED) configuration.
To run the test (under '3TS/src/dbtest'):
Please check out the general environment setup and PostgreSQL setup.
Check if it successfully connects to PostgreSQL server by isql,
isql pg -v
Once the connected information showed, we are able to run our code to test designed anomaly schedules.
The anomaly test cases are Write-read Skew and Write-read Skew Committed, the schedules are as follows:
Under "src/dbtest/" folder, add rat_dda_write_read_skew and rat_dda_write_read_skew_committed to "do_test_list.txt". Add the following to "auto_test_all.sh" for running PostgreSQL with four isolation levels:
./auto_test.sh "pg" "read-uncommitted"
./auto_test.sh "pg" "read-committed"
./auto_test.sh "pg" "repeatable-read"
./auto_test.sh "pg" "serializable"
Run test by "./auto_test_all.sh". The test result are in the following:
Isolation level | Write-read Skew (SQL) | Write-read Skew Committed (SQL) |
Serializable | Rollback (result) | Rollback (result) |
Repeatable Read | Anomaly reported (result) | Anomaly reported (result) |
Read (Un)Committed | Anomaly reported (result) | Pass the test (result) |
At serializable level, both tested cases detected consecutive RW conflicts.
At Repeatable Read level, both generated two consecutive RW conflicts and allowed.
At Read (Un)Committed level, Write-read Skew test case generated two consecutive RW (
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