An importance sampled path tracer, supports Phong / Dielectric / Metal material and various Monte Carlo effects.
This project uses CMake to build and is correctly built under M1 macOS environment. The C++ standard is set to C++ 17.
Once CMake is installed, use below commands to build with CMake.
This project uses OpenMP for parallization, for ARM Mac users, please refer to this [post][] .
to compile definition to enable SIMD (for vec and matrix class).
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make .
├── ./src/base
│ ├── ./src/base/camera.cpp
│ ├── ./src/base/camera.hpp
│ ├── ./src/base/compound.hpp
│ ├── ./src/base/framebuffer.cpp
│ ├── ./src/base/framebuffer.hpp
│ ├── ./src/base/light.cpp
│ ├── ./src/base/light.hpp
│ ├── ./src/base/lightList.hpp
│ ├── ./src/base/material.hpp
│ ├── ./src/base/medium.hpp
│ ├── ./src/base/object3D.cpp
│ ├── ./src/base/object3D.hpp
│ ├── ./src/base/objectList.cpp
│ ├── ./src/base/objectList.hpp
│ ├── ./src/base/primitive.cpp
│ ├── ./src/base/primitive.hpp
│ ├── ./src/base/ray.hpp
│ ├── ./src/base/texture.cpp
│ ├── ./src/base/texture.hpp
│ └── ./src/base/vertex.hpp
├── ./src/deprecated
│ └── ./src/deprecated/raytracer.cpp
├── ./src/external
│ ├── ./src/external/sse2neon.h
│ ├── ./src/external/stb_image.h
│ └── ./src/external/stb_image_write.h
├── ./src/method
│ ├── ./src/method/analytical_illumin.hpp
│ ├── ./src/method/maxdepth_naive.hpp
│ ├── ./src/method/maxdepth_shadowray.hpp
│ ├── ./src/method/roulette_naive.hpp
├── ./src/probs
│ ├── ./src/probs/hittablePDF.hpp
│ ├── ./src/probs/mixedPDF.hpp
│ ├── ./src/probs/pdf.hpp
│ └── ./src/probs/random.hpp
├── ./src/scene_func
│ ├── ./src/scene_func/renderManager.hpp
│ └── ./src/scene_func/scenes.hpp
├── ./src/unit_test.cpp
├── ./src/unit_test.hpp
├── ./src/main.cpp
└── ./src/utils
├── ./src/utils/aabb.hpp
├── ./src/utils/bvh.hpp
├── ./src/utils/colors.hpp
├── ./src/utils/commonMaterials.hpp
├── ./src/utils/matrix.hpp
├── ./src/utils/objectTransform.cpp
├── ./src/utils/objectTransform.hpp
├── ./src/utils/orthoBasis.hpp
├── ./src/utils/pattern.hpp
├── ./src/utils/quat.hpp
├── ./src/utils/scene_io.cpp
├── ./src/utils/scene_io.hpp
├── ./src/utils/timeit.hpp
├── ./src/utils/transformations.hpp
└── ./src/utils/utility.hpp
contains base classessrc/utils
contains common materials, utility functions and classessrc/probs
contains PDF related functions and classessrc/method
contains rendering methodssrc/main.cpp
contains the main functionsrc/scene_func
contains a rendering manager, and all scene infos are written inscenes.hpp
- All rendering settings except light sampling number, are written in the
files. Light sampling numbers are given insrc/method/maxdepth_naive.hpp
as macro define.
Different Rendering Methods:
- Analytical Direct Illumination: This one provides an analytical direct lighting solution if the light is polygonal and there’s no occluder.
- Shadowray Path Tracer: This one uses shadowray method to separate direct and indirect illumination.
- Max Depth Naive: This one is the basic importance sampled path tracer, with a max depth limit.
- Roulette Naive: This one is the basic importance sampled path tracer, uses Russian Roulette method for unbiased estimation.
- Whitted: This one is the traditional Whitted-style ray tracing. See
Importance Sampling:
- The path tracer uses an importance sampling strategy, a mixed PDF of cosine and light sampling. The light sampling can be arbitrary numbers.
Monte Carlo and Post-processing effects:
- The path tracer supports DoF, motion blur. Image filtering and tone-mapping.
Whitted, 16x16 spp
- Port whitted algorithm to the same API
- Bidirectional Path Tracing implementation
- Image-based lighting