This template project is a wrapper for the RawSalmonEngine dedicated as a starting point for developing games with it and making it as user friendly as possible.
- RawSalmonEngine
- including its dependencies as well
- Generally you can just use the bash scripts in the scripts folder
- See COMPILATION for details
For arranging game scenes the Tiled map editor is used. Scripts get attached to tile objects by matching Type field with the Class name of a Character class. Scripting is done in a Unity like fashion by writing update functions for game character or game scene classes. Easily generate each by executing the supplied python scripts in the respective directory. Further information including a tutorial with screenshots is planned to be written in the wiki section of this and/or the RawSalmonEngine repository. But until it's done you best look at Calaveras or other recent game projects of this organisation to get a grasp of how to use the engine.