Clone the repository and cd
into the folder
Create a virtual environment and install the package, then launch panel.
python -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate (or .venv/bin/Scripts/activate on Windows)
pip install -e .
panel serve ./src/aind_metadata_viz/ --show
We directly expose the process/port on the internal AI network. To update and restart:
To update build
ssh ibs-davidf-vm2
cd aind-metadata-viz
git pull
To restart
ps aux | grep panel
kill pid
#!/bin/bash -x
cd ~/aind-metadata-viz
source .venv/bin/activate
pip install -e .
nohup panel serve ./src/aind_metadata_viz/ --allow-websocket-origin= > ~/logfile.log 2>&1 &
The process (should) auto-restart on reboot. See crontab -e
There is a Dockerfile
which includes the entrypoint to launch the app.
- Build the Docker image locally and run a Docker container:
docker build -t aind-metadata-viz .
docker run -e ALLOW_WEBSOCKET_ORIGIN=localhost:8000 -p 8000:8000 aind-metadata-viz
- Navigate to 'localhost:8000` to view the app.
- On pushes to the
branch, a GitHub Action will run to publish a Docker image
. - The image can be used by a ECS Service in AWS to run a task container. Application Load Balancer can be used to serve the container from ECS. Please note that the task must be configured with the correct env variables (e.g.