For this project used the following programs:
- Ubuntu 16.04 LTS OS
- Ros Luna 1.13.6
- Gazebo 7.9
- Rviz 1.12.15
- Python 2.7
- Clone this repository to your home directory:
$ git clone ~/catkin_ws
- As this project uses custom Gazebo 3D models, we need to add the path through environment variable:
$ echo "export GAZEBO_MODEL_PATH=~/catkin_ws/src/kuka_arm/models" >> ~/.bashrc
- Install missing ROS dependencies using the rosdep install command:
$ cd ~/catkin_ws/
$ rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src --rosdistro=kinetic -y
- Run catkin_make from within your workspace to build the project:
$ cd ~/catkin_ws/
$ catkin_make
- Run the following shell commands to source the setup files:
$ echo "source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash" >> ~/.bashrc
For demo mode make sure the demo flag is set to
file under~/catkin_ws/src/kuka_arm/launch/
You can also control the spawn location of the target object in the shelf by modifying the spawn_location argument in
file under~/catkin_ws/src/kuka_arm/launch/
. 0-9 are valid values for spawn_location with 0 being random mode. -
To run forward kinematics test us:
$ roslaunch kuka_arm forward_kinematics.launch
- To run simulator use:
$ rosrun kuka_arm
- To run IK Server use:
$ rosrun kuka_arm
This file provided all the information about the Kuka kr 210
structrure Links, joints,Transmission, Actuators , and physics properties
for the gazebo environment.
with this file we extract the following information that will be useful for the next steps:
O | Joint | Parent | Child | x | y | z |
0 | Fixed_base | Base_footprint | Base_link | 0 | 0 | 0 |
1 | Joint_1 | Base_link | link_1 | 0 | 0 | 0.33 |
2 | Joint_2 | link_1 | link_2 | 0.35 | 0 | 0.42 |
3 | Joint_3 | link_2 | link_3 | 0 | 0 | 1.25 |
4 | Joint_4 | link_3 | link_4 | 0.96 | 0 | -0.054 |
5 | Joint_5 | link_4 | link_5 | 0.54 | 0 | 0 |
6 | Joint_6 | link_5 | link_6 | 0.193 | 0 | 0 |
7 | End-Effector | link_6 | gripper_link | 0.11 | 0 | 0.33 |
Total | 2.153 | 0 | 1.946 |
Now we perform the DH procedure on the kuka kr 210
diagram as follows:
Once we have the diagram, we will fulfill the DH parameters alpha,a, d, theta
i | alpha(i-1) | a(i-1) | d(i) | theta(i) |
1 | 0 | 0 | 0.75 | 0 |
2 | -90 | 0.35 | 0 | q2 - 90 |
3 | 0 | 1.25 | 0 | 0 |
4 | -90 | -0.054 | 1.50 | 0 |
5 | 90 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
6 | -90 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
7 | 0 | 0 | 0.303 | 0 |
First of all we need to import some useful libraries for this project.
import rospy
import tf
from kuka_arm.srv import *
from trajectory_msgs.msg import JointTrajectory, JointTrajectoryPoint
from geometry_msgs.msg import Pose
from mpmath import *
from sympy import *
Additionally we must represent the DH parameters in the code, so we need the symbols.
# Create symbols
q1, q2, q3, q4, q5, q6, q7 = symbols('q1:8')
d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6, d7 = symbols('d1:8')
a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6 = symbols('a0:7')
alpha0, alpha1, alpha2, alpha3, alpha4, alpha5, alpha6 = symbols('alpha0:7')
# Create Modified DH parameters
s = {alpha0: 0, a0: 0, d1: 0.75, q1: q1,
alpha1: -pi/2, a1: 0.35, d2: 0, q2: q2 - pi/2,
alpha2: 0, a2: 1.25, d3: 0, q3: q3,
alpha3: -pi/2, a3: -0.054, d4: 1.50, q4: q4,
alpha4: pi/2, a4: 0, d5: 0, q5: q5,
alpha5: -pi/2, a5: 0, d6: 0, q6: q6,
alpha6: 0, a6: 0, d7: 0.303, q7: 0}
Now it is time to build our individual transform matrices between different links.
Each matrix is composed by 4 matrices, 2 rotations and 2 translations, performed in the following order.
On Python code this is represented as follows:
# Individual Transformations
# Homogeneuos Transformation Link_0 to link_1
T0_1 = Matrix([[cos(q1), -sin(q1), 0, a0],
[sin(q1)*cos(alpha0), cos(q1)*cos(alpha0), -sin(alpha0), -sin(alpha0)*d1],
[sin(q1)*sin(alpha0), cos(q1)*sin(alpha0), cos(alpha0), cos(alpha0)*d1],
[0, 0, 0, 1]])
T0_1 = T0_1.subs(s)
# Homogeneuos Transformation Link_1 to link_2
T1_2 = Matrix([[cos(q2), -sin(q2), 0, a1],
[sin(q2)*cos(alpha1), cos(q2)*cos(alpha1), -sin(alpha1), -sin(alpha1)*d2],
[sin(q2)*sin(alpha1), cos(q2)*sin(alpha1), cos(alpha1), cos(alpha1)*d2],
[0, 0, 0, 1]])
T1_2 = T1_2.subs(s)
# Homogeneuos Transformation Link_2 to link_3
T2_3 = Matrix([[cos(q3), -sin(q3), 0, a2],
[sin(q3)*cos(alpha2), cos(q3)*cos(alpha2), -sin(alpha2), -sin(alpha2)*d3],
[sin(q3)*sin(alpha2), cos(q3)*sin(alpha2), cos(alpha2), cos(alpha2)*d3],
[0, 0, 0, 1]])
T2_3 = T2_3.subs(s)
# Homogeneuos Transformation Link_3 to link_4
T3_4 = Matrix([[cos(q4), -sin(q4), 0, a3],
[sin(q4)*cos(alpha3), cos(q4)*cos(alpha3), -sin(alpha3), -sin(alpha3)*d4],
[sin(q4)*sin(alpha3), cos(q4)*sin(alpha3), cos(alpha3), cos(alpha3)*d4],
[0, 0, 0, 1]])
T3_4 = T3_4.subs(s)
# Homogeneuos Transformation Link_4 to link_5
T4_5 = Matrix([[cos(q5), -sin(q5), 0, a4],
[sin(q5)*cos(alpha4), cos(q5)*cos(alpha4), -sin(alpha4), -sin(alpha4)*d5],
[sin(q5)*sin(alpha4), cos(q5)*sin(alpha4), cos(alpha4), cos(alpha4)*d5],
[0, 0, 0, 1]])
T4_5 = T4_5.subs(s)
# Homogeneuos Transformation Link_5 to link_6
T5_6 = Matrix([[cos(q6), -sin(q6), 0, a5],
[sin(q6)*cos(alpha5), cos(q6)*cos(alpha5), -sin(alpha5), -sin(alpha5)*d6],
[sin(q6)*sin(alpha5), cos(q6)*sin(alpha5), cos(alpha5), cos(alpha5)*d6],
[0, 0, 0, 1]])
T5_6 = T5_6.subs(s)
# Homogeneuos Transformation Link_6 to link_7 (Gripper)
T6_G = Matrix([[cos(q7), -sin(q7), 0, a6],
[sin(q7)*cos(alpha6), cos(q7)*cos(alpha6), -sin(alpha6), -sin(alpha6)*d7],
[sin(q7)*sin(alpha6), cos(q7)*sin(alpha6), cos(alpha6), cos(alpha6)*d7],
[0, 0, 0, 1]])
T6_G = T6_G.subs(s)
Then all the matrices are multiplied so that we can have a relation of all frames from the Base to the End-Effector.
# Transform from Base link to end effector (Gripper)
# Important: If we multiply in conjunction the result is different.
T0_2 = (T0_1 * T1_2) # Link_0 to Link_2
T0_3 = (T0_2 * T2_3) # Link_0 to Link_3
T0_4 = (T0_3 * T3_4) # Link_0 to Link_4
T0_5 = (T0_4 * T4_5) # Link_0 to Link_5
T0_6 = (T0_5 * T5_6) # Link_0 to Link_6
T0_7 = (T0_6 * T6_G) # Link_0 to Link_7
The matrix T0_7
has the information about the rotation, translation, perspective, and scale
of the kuka kr 210
with the following structure:
To verify is the FK is correct, we assigned all the values of the joints q1 ,q2 ,q3 ,q4, q5 ,q6 ,q7
equal to 0
. Giving us the following matrix:
And in the simulation give us this values:
For the second test, we changed the values of the joints to q1 = 1; q2 = 0.30; q3 = -0.45; q4 = 0.90; q5 = -0.35; q6 = 0; q7 = 0;
. The matrix give us the following values:
Also the simulation had the same values as in the next image:
In both cases the results were similar, so we can conclude that the FK of the Kuka Kr 210
is ready.
The Kuka Kr 210
has 6 degrees of freedom, all of them are revolute joints. There are 2 ways to solve the IK, the first one involves a numerical approach
and the other is known as closed-form
. For this project we will solve the problem using the second option, the last 3 joints of the kuka kr 210
have a design that is called spherical wrist
and which has a common point of intersection called wrist center
The important aspect of the last 3 revolute joints is that they decouple the design into 2 parts Position and orientation
. The first 3 joints are incharge of the position and the others 3 are responsible of the orientation of the end effector.
The locations of the wrist center and the end effector are respect to the base as shown in the following image:
The Homogeneuos Transformation
of the Kuka Kr 210
has the information of the position of the end effector with respect of the base px, py, pz
as shown in the next image:
We also need the orientation of the gripper among the z axis
, that is r13, r23, and r33
. So, to have the position of the Wrist center we have to applied the following equation:
In the Python Code we had to Correction Needed to Account for Orientation Difference Between Definition of Gripper Link_G in URDF versus DH Convention
# Requested end-effector orientation
(roll, pitch, yaw) = tf.transformations.euler_from_quaternion(
# Creating symbols for the rotation matrices (Roll, Pitch, Yaw)
r, p, y = symbols('r p y')
# Roll
ROT_x = Matrix([[1, 0, 0],
[0, cos(r), -sin(r)],
[0, sin(r), cos(r)]])
# Pitch
ROT_y = Matrix([[cos(p), 0, sin(p)],
[0, 1, 0],
[-sin(p), 0, cos(p)]])
# Yaw
ROT_z = Matrix([[cos(y), -sin(y), 0],
[sin(y), cos(y), 0],
[0, 0, 1]])
# The rotation matrix amoung the 3 axis
ROT_EE = ROT_z * ROT_y * ROT_x
# Correction Needed to Account for Orientation Difference Between
# Definition of Gripper Link_G in URDF versus DH Convention
ROT_corr = ROT_z.subs(y, radians(180)) * ROT_y.subs(p, radians(-90))
ROT_EE = ROT_EE * ROT_corr
ROT_EE = ROT_EE.subs({'r': roll, 'p': pitch, 'y': yaw})
Once we got to this point, we must calculate the respective joints values q1,q2,q3,q4,q5,q6,q7
The calculation of the thetas is divided into 2 parts. The first one is for theta 1,2 and 3 (position control). Theta1
is the projection of the WC
in the x-y
theta1 = atan2(WC[1], WC[0])
For theta2 and theta 3
we will use the following diagram.
Were links C and A are know, and we have to find the values of B, a, b, and c.For this we will need to applied the Cosine Laws
# find the 3rd side of the triangle
A = 1.50
C = 1.25
B = sqrt(pow((sqrt(WC[0]*WC[0] + WC[1]*WC[1]) - 0.35), 2) + pow((WC[2] - 0.75), 2))
# Cosine Laws SSS to find all inner angles of the triangle
a = acos((B*B + C*C - A*A) / (2*B*C))
b = acos((A*A + C*C - B*B) / (2*A*C))
c = acos((A*A + B*B - C*C) / (2*A*B))
# Find theta2 and theta3
theta2 = pi/2 - a - atan2(WC[2]-0.75, sqrt(WC[0]*WC[0]+WC[1]*WC[1])-0.35)
theta3 = pi/2 - (b+0.036)
For the inverse orientation, we must find the values of theta 4,5, and 6. Now using the DH parameters we can obtain the rotations about 0-3 R
and also 0-6 R
. As in the image bellow.
# Extract rotation matrix R0_3 from transformation matrix T0_3 the substitute angles q1-3
R0_3 = T0_1[0:3, 0:3] * T1_2[0:3, 0:3] * T2_3[0:3, 0:3]
R0_3 = R0_3.evalf(subs={q1: theta1, q2: theta2, q3: theta3})
# Get rotation matrix R3_6 from (transpose of R0_3 * R_EE)
R3_6 = R0_3.transpose() * ROT_EE
# Euler angles from rotation matrix
theta4 = atan2(R3_6[2, 2], -R3_6[0, 2])
theta5 = atan2(sqrt(R3_6[0, 2]*R3_6[0, 2] + R3_6[2, 2]*R3_6[2, 2]), R3_6[1, 2])
theta6 = atan2(-R3_6[1, 1], R3_6[1, 0])
Once launched the script, it gives us the following results:
For the implementation of the IK, I have done several steps:
- Copied the code from
- Remove all the code lines that demand a lot of proccesors time (simplify).
- Modified the
and the the parameters tofalse
Not able to compile using
. This was solved by addingstatic_cast<bool>()
in several lines of code. -
When executing
on the terminal, the end effector is not able to grasp the can. Not even my mentor could solve it. I also tried all the possible solutions from slack.
- Being able to grasp the can.
- Optimize the time of the code.
- Reduce possibilities of missing grasping the can with the end effector.