Files and scripts to generate figures for the manuscript titled "Skin metatranscriptomics reveals landscape of variation in microbial activity and gene expression across the human body".
To run the scripts, clone this repository, download the large datasets from figshare and specify working directory to the scripts/ subfolder or open the project using the .Rproj file
- scripts: Scripts used to generate all figures in the manuscript
- data: Script outputs and intermediate data files
- plots: Vectorized pdfs of figure panels
- metadata: Metadata and annotations used as inputs into scripts
Raw sequencing data has been uploaded to the European Nucleotide Archive (ENA), under project accession number PRJEB82796.
Large datasets and annotations have been uploaded to figshare here.
Please direct any questions or feedback to Minghao Chia and Niranjan Nagarajan.
The metadata (skin sites and read counts) for the full cohort is here.
Please refer to repository map for the relationship between figure panels, scripts and plots in this repository.