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M02 Goals

Die4Ever edited this page Apr 28, 2023 · 4 revisions

Battery Park and Hell's Kitchen (Mission 2)

Battery Park

In the second mission, the barrel of ambrosia has been randomized. This is an optional objective and can be skipped. The barrel can be randomized into one of seven locations.

Control Room

This small control room overlooks the dock area and can be accessed by going down the stairs from the Castle Clinton kiosk and then going down the deeper stairwell with a railing

Storage Room

The Ambrosia can be tucked away in the corner of the storage room near the entrance of the NSF base. It can be accessed by going down the stairs from the Castle Clinton kiosk and going through the first door and down the stairs.


The ambrosia can be in the middle of the hostage situation in the Battery Park subway area

Subway Stairs

The ambrosia can appear right in the middle of the stairs leading down to the Battery Park subway

Table under Castle Clinton

Going straight past the storage room (above) will get you to a small room with a table in the corner. The ambrosia can sometimes be found here

Hidden Dock Area (Vanilla)

The dock can be found off to the side from the storage room. This is where the Ambrosia is normally found in the original game.

Walkway next to Water

Continuing past the room with the table will lead you to a small walkway next to a narrow canal. The Ambrosia can be moved to this walkway.

Ventilation System

Inside the ventilation system, next to the subway entrance.

NSF Warehouse (Mission 2)

Generator Computer

This computer can be used to blow up the generator by disabling the cooling. There's also a computer in the basement that can be randomized into any of these same locations.

Generator Computer Room (Vanilla)

This is the normal spot for the generator computer.


Basement Computer Room

This is the normal spot for the email computer, but now the generator control computer can be down here instead.


Abandoned Apartment Building

The abandoned apartment building across from the warehouse.



The computer can be on the ledge for the Holy Smokes billboard.


The Generator

You need to destroy this generator.

Warehouse Ground Floor (Vanilla)

This is where the generator normally is.


Abandoned Apartment Building

The generator can be in the abandoned apartment building, under the broken floor.



The generator can be in the alley near the turret and electrical box.



The generator can be in a nook of the basement under the warehouse.



The generator can be in a sewers near the warehouse.



After destroying the generator, the location of Jock's helicopter is randomized.

Roof of Warehouse (Vanilla)

Jock can be found on the roof of the warehouse, exactly where Alex says he should be

Rooftop across the street

Jock can be found just across the street from the Warehouse rooftop. Guess he got the wrong building.

Behind the warehouse

Sometimes Jock will land at the raised area behind the warehouse

In the Back Alley

Sometimes Jock will land in the alley behind the warehouse

In the sewers?

Uhhh.... Jock, how did you get down into the sewers?

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