A bioinformatics pipeline to get methylation calls (in bed format) for phased alignments using long-read sequencing (third-gen) data.
This pipeline accepts only hifi OR ont, and it can 1) generate phased alignments using a phased assembly if parental illuminas are available, 2) generate phased alignments using heterozygous SNVs + SVs and will output a single bam that you can query using "HP:i:1 or HP:i:2 or ![HP]" to get the phased reads.
- Clone the repo
- Install Snakemake version >= 7.6.0
- Fill in the config and manifests.
- Start the analysis!
- Begin with a dry-run
./runlocal 10 -np
- If dry-run looks good, proceed with:
./runlocal 10
- Put in CI tests
- Add conda enviroments
- Build bare-bone container to get minimal example running
- Further chunk the alignment files (beyond chromosomes) in case these files are astronomical (non-human primates)
- What if I want to change the version of certain tools?
- You could change the defaults in the tools.yaml config, and if you want to change the resources needed for certain steps- then please refer to the snakemake documentation regarding this topic
./config ├── config.yaml ├── manifest.tab └── tools.yaml
- How do I use different tech?
- Currently, there is only support for
. You could use the pipeline like the following:
# ONT ./runsnake 30 --config tech=ont manifest=config/manifest.tab (for dry run: put -np) # HiFi ./runsnake 30 --config tech=hifi manifest=config/manifest-hifi.tab (for dry run: put -np)
- Currently, there is only support for
- How do I know if I have methylation tags in my unmapped bam? Assuming you have samtools installed:
samtools view -e '[MM]' your_bam_here.bam
- Where can I get the singularity containers?
- Answer coming soon. I'm going to build a barebone container that is enough to run the pipeline, as well as adding a conda statement for all the rules so it can be fine tuned on the versioning.
- What is an example config and manifest?
- Answer coming soon.