A Bioinformatics pipeline for differential methylation analysis using DSS. Pipeline is WIP!
- Clone the repo
- Install Snakemake version >= 7.6.0
- Fill in the config and manifests.
- Start the analysis!
- Begin with a dry-run
./runlocal 10 -np
- If dry-run looks good, proceed with:
./runlocal 10
└── config.yaml
mode: group # group or regression model- only group is supported at the moment.
dss_cntr: "/path/to/singularity.sif"
gtarget: autosome # autosome, sex, or wgs
tech: ont # hifi or ont
manifest: config/manifest.tab # tab delimited columns: sample_name, bed, group
dss_exclude_regions: "/path/to/lc.bed.gz" # the pipeline only parses the three columns, bed3
dss_min_mod: 0 # optional- if you want to exclude any sites with zero methylation
# optional annotations but I do parse the keyword genes special as in I get the distance from the gene as well as intersection
cpg_island: ""
genes: ""
# optional but please make sure all keys are strings
# each key (e.g. one) corresponds to the name in the manifest under group and purpose explained in next section
"one": "sample_child"
"another_one": "sample_child_hap2;sample_child_hap1" # another example of if you want additional target values.
The purpose group target is to target the sample within a group and exclude any pairs that does not contain target sample. For example:
$ cat config/manifest.tab
sample_name bed group
sample_father sample_father_cpg-pileup.bed.gz one
sample_mother sample_mother_cpg-pileup.bed.gz one
sample_child sample_child_cpg-pileup.bed.gz one
gives us, the following pairs:
├── sample_father_vs_sample_child_DMR-prcnt_summary.tsv.gz
└── sample_mother_vs_sample_child_DMR-prcnt_summary.tsv.gz
and NOT
├── sample_father_vs_sample_mother_DMR-prcnt_summary.tsv.gz
- What do the results mean?
tells us the differential methylated regions when we compare father and child. In other words, relative to the father- these are the regions that are differential. Please refer to the DSS manual for output explanation.
- Must I have the keyword genes?
- If you're providing a bed file of genes, please use the key "genes" to get both intersection and distance to that intersection.