The Very Pseudo 3d engine (for the Atari 2600), now at II.III.MMXVII Rev. 0
VePseu is one of the few attempts at a real-time "3d" engine for the vanilla Atari cartridge (that is, without any extra chips). It is programmed in DASM assembler and takes up a small amount of computation time. The engine allows up to 6 16x16 maps to be stored in a vanilla 4k rom, with plenty of wiggle room for whatever code you wish to add to it. The veiwport is also acceptable, as a minimap is drawn along with a relatively clear 4-directional first-person perspective.
- Relatively low render time
- "Fits" on a 4k cart
- "Acceptable" graphics
- Not-as-cryptic source code
- Open source (under the ISC)
- Gip-Gip sucks at commenting
- With the current state of the code you'll need a second bank to do anything semi-advanced
- You rarely need a 3d engine on an Atari
As of the current moment, VePseu is in dier need of size optimization. Any size reduction is greatly appreciated!
Here are some things I need help on:
- Cleaning the source
- Optimizing the source
- Improving the experience
- Documentation
Contributing will get you a permanent place in the AUTHORS.TXT
- The project was started in mid March of 2017
- So far there are 1,635 total lines of code(sloccount)
- The Versioning scheme is [Inf. Version].[Annual Version].[Year] in roman
- The Infinitive Version is incremented every large change
- The Annual Version is incremented with the Infinitive Version and every large update which isn't drastic enough to increment the Infinitive Version. It is reset to one annually