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Wrapper ros_control for ABB Omnicore Controller

These packages are intended to ease the interaction between ABB robots supporting the new Omnicore controller and ROS-based systems, by providing ready-to-run ROS nodes. In particular, we developed the robots' control with ros_control integrating it with MoveIt. The supported Omnicore controller based robots are:

  • CRB 15000-5 - Gofa
  • IRB 14050 - Yumi Single Arm.

Hardware Dependencies

OS: Ubuntu 20.04 ROS: Noetic

Tested on Ubuntu 20.04 with ROS Noetic. Support on older ROS distro (melodic see: #18) is expected but not tested.


These packages are intended to ease the interaction between ABB OmniCore controllers and ROS-based systems, by providing ready-to-run ROS nodes.

The principal packages are briefly described in the following table:

Package Description
abb_libegm (A modified version of Provides a ROS node that exposes hardware interface, for direct motion control of ABB robots (via the Externally Guided Motion (EGM) interface).
abb_librws (A modified version of Provides a ROS node that communicate with the controller using Robot Web Services 2.0
Doc Provides some documentation about how the RAPID StateMachine running inside the Omnicore Controller
omnicore_gazebo Provides the possibility to simulate the robots in Gazebo
omnicore_moveit_config Provides the Moveit configurations for the supported robots.
omnicore_interface Provides all messages and services definition this pkg uses.
omnicore_bringup Provides all the .launch files to correctly launch the robots in real or simulation.
omnicore_description Provides ROS nodes for kinematic calculation using the URDF model of the robot (For now only Gofa robot is available).
omnicore_ros_control Provides hardware interface for the robots supporting ABB Omnicore controller.

Build Instructions

It is assumed that ROS Noetic has been installed on the system in question.

Set up ROS

The following instructions assume that a Catkin workspace has been created at $HOME/catkin_ws and that the source space is at $HOME/catkin_ws/src. Update paths appropriately if they are different on the build machine.

The following instructions should setup a ROS workspace where you will clone the current repository.

mkdir -p ~/catkin_ws/src
cd ~/catkin_ws/
catkin build

Install Moveit! and ros_control

sudo apt install ros-${ROS_DISTRO}-ros-control ros-${ROS_DISTRO}-ros-controllers
sudo apt install ros-${ROS_DISTRO}-moveit

Install POCO

Install essential dependencies, execute the following commands one by one:

sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade
sudo apt install build-essential gdb cmake git
sudo apt-get install openssl libssl-dev
sudo apt-get install libmysqlclient-dev
sudo apt-get install -y libpoco-dev 

Install Boost C++

Boost C++

sudo apt-get install libboost-all-dev

Clone the repo

Clone the current repository in the newly created ROS workspace 'catkin_ws' and build it:

cd catkin_ws/src
git clone
cd ..
catkin build

If there are no errors and you want to setup the real robot download RobotStudio and go to the appropriate chapter to setup the real robot. Conversely, you can start to use the robots in simulation following this chapter.


It is possible to launch both the gofa and yumi single arm in Gazebo with the following commands:

  roslaunch roslaunch omnicore_launcher simulated_robot.launch robot:=yumi_single_arm # To launch Yumi Single Arm
  roslaunch roslaunch omnicore_launcher simulated_robot.launch robot:=gofa # To launch Gofa
Yumi Single Arm Gofa
Yumi single arm gif Gofa gif



  • RobotWare version 7.2 or higher (lower versions are incompatible due to changes in the EGM communication protocol).
  • A license for the RobotWare option Externally Guided Motion (3124-1).
  • StateMachine 2.0 RobotWare Add-In (present on the RobotApps of RobotStudio)


Connect to MGMT port

Connect your robot controller to you network through the MGMT port:


The MGMT port have a fixed IP address ( and a DHCP server. Despite the DHCP server, as you will see in the next steps,you will need to specify a static ip for your computer.

Setup the UDP server

In this step we will configure the IP address that EGM exploits to commununicate with an external device. In particular, we need to specify the ip and port of an UDP server that will run on your computer and EGM connects to. Therefore, the ip we are going to specify must be the same of the PC running ROS.

Open RobotStudio go under the Controller Tab, click Add Controller > One Click Connect and log in as default user:


Using RobotStudio, first request the write access.


On the Controller tab, in the Configuration group, click Configuration and then click Communication.


Double click on the UDP Unicast Device item.



Set as static ip of the Linux machine running ROS.

Setup the Controller Firewall

Using RobotStudio, first request the write access. On the Controller tab, in the Configuration group, click Configuration and then click Communication.

Double click on the Firewall Manager item. Enable on the public network the following services:

  • RobotWebServices

  • UDPUC (available from RW 7.3.2)


Configure the user privileges

This package use the Robot Web Services 2.0 (RWS) to control the robot. Each RWS session is logged using a user that must to be present on the User Authorization System of the controller (for more details about User Authorization System, see Operating manual - RobotStudio). If not specified, for the RWS communication, the default user is used:

  • Username: Default User
  • Password: robotics

By default, the Default User does not have the grant Remote Start and Stop in Auto (run rapid routine from the WAN port in Auto mode).

The steps to configure the user account are:

  1. Using RobotStudio log-in on the controller as Administrator (usually with the user Admin and password robotics).



  1. On the Controller tab, in the Access group, click Authenticate and then click Edit User Account. RobotStudio

  2. On the tab roles check if the grant Remote Start and Stop in Auto is checked for the role of the Default User.

  3. Apply.

Any other user can be used by passing the name and the password to rws_interface.

Set up Config File and launch your abb robot (e.g. Gofa)

Navigate to ros_control_omnicore/config/XXX_cfg.yaml Modify the parameters based on your robot configuration (e.g. ip_robot, name_robot, task_robot, etc.). Note that the robot IP in the yaml has to be the the one of the MGMT port of the robot controller (default is Finally:

  • Make sure that the application StateMachine 2.0 has loaded in robotstudio the rapid code
  • Set robot in Automatic mode and Motors ON
  • Connect an ethernet cable from your Linux machine to the controller MGMT port
  • Set the Linux machine IP address to (it needs to be the same as the one in "Setup the UDP device")

By default, the repo launches the Gofa robot with a velocity_controller/JointTrajectoryController:

  source devel/setup.bash
  roslaunch omnicore_launcher real_robot.launch

The pkg has been tested with the following ros_control controllers:

  • velocity_controller/JointTrajectoryController
  • joinGroupVelocityController
  • joint_state_controller

It is possible to switch from one controller to the other using ros_control nodes or the available service. Furthermore, it is possible to set the robot in free drive without the necessity to stop the node:

  • Switch to FreeDrive control when ROS is running:
    rosservice call /set_control_to_free_drive
  • Switch back to velocity control (EGM):
    rosservice call /set_control_to_egm


If the previous command's output is "EGM IS NOT CONNECTED", Linux's firewall blocks UDP communications with the robot controller. Therefore, you will need to allow the communication in INPUT and OUTPUT to your Linux machine with these two commands:

  sudo iptables -I INPUT -p udp --dport 6511 -j ACCEPT
  sudo iptables -A OUTPUT -p udp -m udp --sport 6511 -j ACCEPT


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  • C++ 95.6%
  • CMake 4.0%
  • Other 0.4%