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Battery Cell


  1. cd ${HOME} # Navigate to the home directory of the current user.

  2. mkdir -p ${HOME}/projects/battery_cell_ws/src # Create the directory structure for the project if it doesn't exist.

  3. cd ${HOME}/projects/battery_cell_ws/src # Change to the source directory of the project.

  4. sudo apt update -y && sudo apt upgrade -y && sudo apt install wget -y # Update the system and install wget if it's not already installed.

  5. wget --backups=1 # Download the repository file.

  6. vcs import < deps.repos # Import dependencies from the repository file. Install vcstool with sudo apt-get install python3-vcstool if needed.

  7. Install further dependencies # Install required libraries and tools for the project.

    1. sudo apt install libmosquitto-dev liblog4cxx-dev libboost-all-dev libczmq-dev liburdfdom-dev liburdfdom-headers-dev -y # Install development libraries for MQTT, logging, Boost, ZMQ, and URDF.

    2. sudo apt install ros-humble-moveit ros-humble-ros2-control ros-humble-ros2-controllers ros-humble-moveit-visual-tools ros-humble-navigation2 -y # Install ROS (Robot Operating System) packages.

    3. Install ethercat (EtherLab library): # Set up the EtherLab library for EtherCAT communication.

      1. cd ${HOME} # Return to the user's home directory.
      2. mkdir -p ${HOME}/projects/software_modules # Create a directory for software modules if it doesn't exist.
      3. cd ${HOME}/projects/software_modules # Change to the software modules directory.
      4. Follow the instructions at EtherLab Installation Guide (Chapter: Installing EtherLab)
        • Note: When configuring the network adapter for EtherCAT, use ifconfig to find the correct network adapter.
    4. Install ethercat_driver_ros2: # Install the ROS 2 driver for EtherCAT devices.

      1. cd ${HOME}/projects/battery_cell_ws/ # Navigate back to the workspace directory.
      2. Follow the instructions at ethercat_driver_ros2 Installation Guide (Chapter: Building ethercat_driver_ros2)
      3. Ensure all packages are correctly compiled by running colcon build ... without errors (warnings are acceptable).
  8. Install Aria # Install Aria software in the project.

    1. cd ${HOME}/projects/battery_cell_ws/src/Aria/ # Change to the Aria directory within the project.
    2. bash # Run the configuration script.
    3. Insert user password if prompted.
  9. cd ${HOME}/projects/battery_cell_ws && colcon build --symlink-install --continue-on-error --cmake-args -DUSE_ROS1=False # Build the entire project with ROS 2 settings.

    1. if some packages fail to build, try source ${HOME}/projects/battery_cell_ws/install/setup.bash and then repeat step 9
  10. echo "source ${HOME}/projects/battery_cell_ws/install/setup.bash" >> ~/.bashrc

  11. echo 'export CNR_PARAM_ROOT_DIRECTORY="/tmp/cnr_param"' >> ~/.bashrc && echo 'export IK_SOLVER_LOGGER_CONFIG_PATH="${HOME}/projects/battery_cell_ws/install/ik_solver/share/ik_solver/config/default_logger.yaml"' >> ~/.bashrc

  12. source ~/.bashrc