Action server to simulate walking human for HRC settings.
base_frame: "world" # define the reference frame for the positions
# x,y,z to reach
x: [-1.50,-1.00,-0.50]
y: [ 0.05, 0.05, 0.05]
z: [ 0.35, 0.35, 0.35]
# vector of pauses at each location
pauses_duration: [1.0,5.0,5.0]
# noises during pauses
noise_x: 0.01
noise_y: 0.01
noise_z: 0.01
# vector of timings to move between two sequential locations
motions_duration: [5.0,3.0]
# size of the human
chest_size: [0.1,0.2,0.4] # box to represent the chest
head_size: 0.08 # sphere to represent the head
arm_size: [0.35,0.06,0.06] # box to represent the arms
poses_topic: "/poses" # topic where human poses are published