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Joey Sumner edited this page Apr 19, 2022 · 14 revisions

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Developed by: Aidan Randtoul, Joey Sumner, Dominic Manini and Alasdair Russell. Doxygen:


The Labyrinth marble game was released by US manufacturers BRIO in 1946 whereby players put a marble at the start point in a maze before turning control knobs to rotate the board and navigate a marble through a maze, whilst also avoiding holes that return the marble back to the start point. The game has proven popular with young children across numerous decades, however, it suffers from low replay value, as when the maze has been completed there is no new challenge and players are forced to replay the same experience over and over again.

What is Marple Tilt?

Marple-Tilt is a revolutionary new take on the popular children's game Marble Tilt. The Marple-Tilt project digitizes this experience with new added features such as customizable maps. The user will control a digital marble, known as the marple, and guide it through a maze of their creation to the finish.

The project is developed in C++ and features a desktop app for map creation and accompanying game board based around a raspberry pi device. This wiki is split into the following sections each of which is maintained by a separate member of the team:

External Libraries

The project makes use of external libraries in the form of a library to control the RGB LED display with the Raspberry Pi GPIO, developed by user hzeller, which can be found here: and a library used to control the MPU6050 accelerometer and gyroscope module, developed by user alex-mous, which can be found here:

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