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programming cross products

John Q Durden edited this page Oct 9, 2015 · 7 revisions

The four tools, give you everything you need on the way to mastery -- from the choosing or designing a programming language to optimizing the individual instructions at each tick of the machine clock.

In the following enumeration, ordering of the cross-product is irrelevant:

Synthesize X Synthesize: Programming ideals; OOP optimiziation that created this document.
Synthesize X Optimize: Language choice for solving the task.
Synthesize X Divide: Conceptual breakdowns of your program.
Conquer X Synthesize: Perfect naming of your modules, functions/objects, variables.
Optimize X Optimize: Working on the right problem down to the machine.
Optimize X Divide: Profiling your code.
Optimize X Conquer: Rewriting and honing honing your code per profiling results.
Divide X Conquer: The standard Computer Science technique of breaking the problems down into smaller pieces to code at the level you understand the problem.
Divide X Divide: Code architecture.
Conquer X Conquer: Choosing the right programming language constructs (if/then, for/break, objects/functions).

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