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Thomas Muldowney edited this page Apr 14, 2011 · 3 revisions

Register a listener for an Event and call a service callback when it is encountered. The callback is called as a POST and is described more in the Core API /event docs.




This is a service method and must have the sending service id before the method.

URI Example


This would listen for events and then fire the callback against service 9fdfb7e5c6551dc45300aeb0d21fdff4


  • type: The event type to watch for
  • id: The id of the service to fire the callback on
  • cb: The URL of the callback to fire. If the given URL does not have a leading / it is added.

Arguments Example



  • 200: It was registered! OKTHXBI
  • 400: The type or cb were not specified.
  • 404: The service id in the URI is not a valid installed service.
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