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Updates and Upgrades

Kevin edited this page Oct 27, 2023 · 1 revision

The default super workflow only attempts to install macOS minor upDATES if they are available. Also, because the super workflow uses the Apple softwareupdate mechanism, it respects macOS update enforced deferrals via a MDM configuration profile. In other words, the super workflow won't even "see" macOS updates that have been deferred via a MDM configuration profile until that deferral expires.

By enabling additional options the super workflow is also capable of installing macOS major upGRADES and macOS Rapid Security Response (RSR) updates.

Install macOS Major Upgrades

Allow the super workflow to install macOS major upgrades.

Command option example:

Command option disable example:

Configuration profile example:

With this option enabled super leverages built-in commands and the mist command to find compatible macOS major upgrade versions. If a newer macOS major upgrade is available then the super workflow attempts to download and install the upgrade. The default super workflow always selects the newest compatible macOS major upgrade version.

Even if there is no macOS major upgrade available, and you leave this option enabled, the super workflow continues to install any available macOS minor updates. In other words, if you enable the --install-macos-major-upgrades option then the super workflow attempts all macOS minor updates and major upgrades throughout time.

NOTE: On versions of macOS prior to macOS 13 this option does not respect macOS update enforced deferrals via a MDM configuration profile. If you need to restrict the installation newer macOS major upgrades then you must to also specify the --install-macos-major-version-target option.

Default macOS Major Upgrade Dialog Default macOS Major Upgrade Dialog

Target macOS Major Upgrade Version

Limit the installation of macOS major upgrade versions to the major (whole number) version specified in this option. This option requires that you have also specified the --install-macos-major-upgrades option.

Command option example:

Command option disable example:

Configuration profile example:

With this option enabled super does not select any major macOS upgrades newer than the targeted version. For example, if you specified --install-macos-major-version-target=13 then the super workflow never attempts to install major upgrades to macOS 14 or newer.

Because macOS can not be downgraded without a full system reset, the super workflow likewise does not downgrade macOS systems to older versions even if this option is specified.

However, even with the option to limit macOS major upgrades enabled, the super workflow continues to install any available macOS minor updates. In other words, if you enable the --install-macos-major-version-target=13 option then the super workflow attempts to keep the system up to date with the newest version of macOS 13.

Install macOS Rapid Security Responses

Allow the super workflow to install macOS Rapid Security Response (RSR) updates.

Command option example:

Command option disable example:

Configuration profile example:

Apple introduced RSR updates with macOS 13, so this setting is ignored on older versions of macOS.

Even though RSR updates are significantly smaller downloads and install much faster than normal macOS minor updates they still require a restart to be fully enabled. As such, if this option is enable then the super workflow appears to the user as a normal macOS minor update.

When Apple releases a normal macOS minor update that is newer than the previous RSR update, softwareupdate no longer allows for installation of the previous RSR update. In this case, the super workflow also returns to attempting the newer normal macOS minor update.

Install Non-System Updates Without Restarting

If there are no pending restart-required macOS updates or upgrades, make the super workflow install non-system Apple software updates as soon as they become available.

Command option example:

Command option disable example:

Configuration profile example:

Due to limitations in softwareupdate, attempting to simultaneously install non-system Apple software updates (like Safari and Xcode Command Line Tools) at the same time as a macOS update or upgrade is unreliable. As such, the default super workflow prioritizes macOS updates or upgrades by installing them first. Then immediately after restarting from a macOS update or upgrade, the super workflow installs any available non-system Apple software updates.

With the --install-non-system-updates-without-restarting option enabled, if non-system Apple software updates are found, they are immediately downloaded and installed. In addition, if there is an active logged in user at the time of installation, a notification is temporarily shown in case any open applications that are being updated are automatically restarted.

Non-System Software Update Notification Non-System Software Update Notification