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Releases: Michal78900/MapEditorReborn

Auto extract feature and updater update

16 Jun 21:07
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  • Added auto_extract_schematics config option. It allows you to auto extract every .zip file that is inside Schematics directory on server start. This allows you to just drag and drop the file without a need of manual extract. This option is set to false by default.
  • Updated SL-CustomObjects auto updater to fetch new version from GitHub releases

Finally a release on GitHub

11 Jun 18:55
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From now on, I will release updates here, nothing changed from the last update I only updated READMES and removed the translated ones as they are now obselete.


21 Nov 19:46
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  • Reworked PlayerSpawnPoints and the remove_default_spawn_points option. If set to true the given role spawnpoint will be removed only if there is at least one custom spawn point of that type. (for example if the custom spawn point for class d exists, only vanilla class d spawn points will be removed)
  • Added mp prop (properties) command. It is used for changing the properties of the map. You need to have loaded map before using this command. You also need to save the map if you've made changes via this command
  • Fixed the grenade event check for schematics
  • Fixed support with WaitAndChillReborn


19 Nov 19:58
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  • You can now select LightControllerObjects in-game in order to modify them. To select the LightController, you need to look at the light source in the room (lamp/light bulb). When you point at it and try selecting it, the plugin will select LightController in the current room (if it exists). RoomType of the LightController can be modified via mp rr command. The rest of properties can be modified via mp mod command
  • RGB colors in LightControllerObjects will be now divided by 255 to make them work similar to base-game ccolor command
  • When deleting the object, the message will be printed to the player's console that deleted that object. The message will consist the name of the object and it's basic properties (position, rotation, scale) This is for easier spawning and positioning the object again if it was accidentally removed
  • The position/rotation/scale console message will now have more decimal places


16 Nov 17:09
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  • Giving the map/schematic name in mp list command as an argument will now show detailed description of that map/schematic
  • Highly optimised schematic spawning method
  • Added schematic_block_spawn_delay property (default: 0, equals to one frame). It is a delay between spawning each blocks of a custom schematic. Higher values will make "spawning process" take longer, but they may prevent lag/client crashes for very big schematics.
    Set it to -1 to disable the delay entirely, but it's not recommended

V1.2.0 - Custom Schematics and more

11 Nov 22:19
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  • Changed save location of the maps. They will be now saved in EXILED/Configs/MapEditorReborn/Maps folder. (your map files will be automatically moved)
  • Added Schematics folder in which custom schematics will be stored
  • mp cr command now accepts schematic name as an argument
  • Spawned object will keep their RoomType even if moved outside of the room. You can reset the RoomType using mp rr command
  • Added Scale property for TeleportObject
  • Added indicators for TeleportObjects
  • Added load on event feature. You can now load a map when a certain event occurs. Currently supported ones are OnMapGenerated and OnRoundStarted
  • mp pos set and mp rot set will be now relative to the object's current room
  • Removed name property in a map file. The plugin will now get the map name based on a map file name
  • is_interactable property in WorkstationObject will now turn off the workstation entirely


15 Oct 19:19
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  • You can now change type of the door/shooting target via mp modify command
  • Added Scale, UseGravity and CanBePicked up properties to ItemSpawnPoint (picking and dropping scaled items will reset their scale)
  • Improved getting the room in which the object is
  • Fixed Alpha property not doing anything in LightController
  • Fixed selection hint showing wrong values in wrong format
  • Adjusted mp modify command
  • Added mp opendirectory command
  • Toolgun mode "Copying" works once again
  • Code tweaks, change the method for spawning objects, fixed bugs, etc.

V1.0.0 - Official release

26 Sep 20:02
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  • Rewrote a major part of the plugin, improved saving maps, fixed some minor bugs
  • Added TeleportObject
  • Added mp create mp delete mp select commands. All of them work exactly the same as their counterparts in the ToolGun
  • Added mp modify command. It allows modifying properties of the object that aren't it's position, rotation or scale. Currently you can't modify type of the object, for example changing Light door into Heavy using this command.


20 Sep 17:25
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V0.8.0 Pre-release


  • Improved saving maps method
  • Added attachments_code config option to ItemSpawnPointObject (default: -1) With this, you can set spawned weapon attachments. -1 value means random attachments
  • Added is_functional config option to ShootingTargetObject (default: true) When set to false, the shooting target will act as a wall and shooting it won't do anything (no Cassie, hit marker)
  • Added mp unload command. This commands unloads currently loaded map, so you can more easily start making a new one if you want.
  • Added mp list command. It shows all available maps located in EXILED/Configs/MapEditorReborn folder
  • Code tweaks

V0.7.0 - Rainbow lights and stuff

12 Sep 20:47
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  • Spawned doors are invisible.
  • Copying ToolGun mode currently don't work.
  • mp si command currently shows indicators only for ItemSpawnPointObjects. The indicator won't show for Player and Ragdoll spawnpoints.
  • Saving BinaryShootingTargets currently is broken

First there bugs are related to Northwood's problem with the Mirror. Let's hope they will fix it soon. 👍
The last one will be probably fixed when there will be update for EXILED


  • Re-added selection mode to the ToolGun
  • Added is_interactable config option to WorkstationObject (default: true)
  • Added shift_speed config option to LightControllerObject (default: 0, if you don't know what's that, this allows you to make rainbow lights)
  • Code tweaks and stuff