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Robotics projects based on Robotics Software engineer Nanodegree by Udacity

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Robotics Software Engineer Nanodegree Projects

This repository is intended to be used as a start-point for future robotics-based projects. All the content is based in the Nanodegree program provided by Udacity.


The content of this repository is divided in different sub-folders where each one contains a specific topic. The following description will describe the content of each folder.

  • Gazebo Basics: This folder contains the basic steps to start working with Gazebo, how to use the model and building editor, plugins in Gazebo and more.
    • myrobot: Custom package to understand the workflow of Gazebo.
    • project1: Gazebo package with a world created using the building editor.
  • ROS essentials: Essential elements of robotics, Introduction to ROS, subscribers, publishers, services, among others.
    • simple_arm: Interacting with a robotic arm and creating nodes with publisher, subscribers and services to operate based on the current image obtained.
    • chase_it: ROS package with a wheeled robot in a custom Gazebo world that chases a white ball, modifying the wheels' speed.
  • Localization: The Kalman Filter (KF), Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) and robot pose relative to a known map with Monte Carlo Localization (MCL).
    • kalman_filters: Step-by-step implementation of a Kalman Filter in C++ from the motion update to measurement update in 1d and multiple dimensions.
    • kf_lab: Used the robot pose EKF ROS package to fuse IMU and Odometry data. The output of this package is the pose of the robot.
    • mcl: Monte Carlo localization with particle filters and computation of belief in C++.
    • mcl_lab: Implementation of the MCL algorithm in a 2d world using C++.
    • where_am_i: Used the Adaptative Monte Carlo Localization to drive a wheeled robot in a previously maped world.
  • Mapping and SLAM: Ocuppancy grid algorithm and different variants of the SLAM algorithm.
    • occupancy_grid_mapping: Implemented the Ocuppancy grid mapping algorithm in C++ and a simple way to fuse maps from multiple sensor sources.
    • gridbased_fastslam: Used the gmapping ROS package to map a simple environment. This package is based on the Grid-based FastSLAM algorithm.
    • map_my_world: Usage of RTAB-Map SLAM (Graph SLAM) to map a custom world.
  • Path planning and Navigation: Implementation of the A* algorithm, classical oath planning techniques and sample-based methods.
    • classic_path_planning: Minkowski sum implementation in C++ with triangular shapes.
    • path_planning_lab: Implementation of the A* algorithm in a real-world environment.

Note: Some of the folders were directly taken from the Udacity's repository.