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Mistralys edited this page Dec 21, 2019 · 4 revisions

This class extends the built-in Exception class, and offers a number of enhancements that make debugging easier. It allows setting developer-specific error details as second parameter, which do not get displayed in the exception message, to hide cirtical application-internal information.

Utility methods

  • display: Sends the exception's human readable details as a string to the browser.
  • getDetails: Retrieves the additional developer-specific info, if available.
  • getInfo: Converts the exception to a ThrowableInfo instance.

Static methods

  • createInfo: Converts any exception to a ThrowableInfo instance. Also see the parseThrowable global function.
  • dumpTraceAsString: Prints a stack trace at the time the method is called, in text only format.
  • dumpTraceAsHTML: Prints a stack trace at the time the method is called, in HTML format.


You can simply throw a BaseException, but it is recommended to create a class that extends it in your application. This way your exception class can inherit your application's namespace (if any), and is easier to differentiate.

File template:

 * File containing the MyException class.
 * @see MyException


namespace MyNamespace;

 * Exception class for (Application Name) errors.
class MyException extends \AppUtils\BaseException

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