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Mistralys edited this page Jun 18, 2021 · 4 revisions

The NamedClosure class is used to wrap closures, to be able to describe them and easily identify them again later. It can be used as a direct replacement of the PHP native Closure class.


$closure = NamedClosure::fromClosure(
    function() {
        // do something
    'ID or descriptive text of the closure'

Getting the information later

Simply check if the callable is a named closure:

if($callable instanceof NamedClosure) {
    $origin = $callable->getOrigin();


The class comes with a few factory methods to work with common callable types.

Array static method notation

$closure = NamedClosure::fromArray(array('ClassName', 'staticMethodName'));

// Description text will be "ClassName::staticMethodName()"

With a custom origin description:

$closure = NamedClosure::fromArray(array('ClassName', 'staticMethodName', 'Comes from here'));

// Description text will be "Comes from here"

Object method

$closure = NamedClosure::fromObject($object, 'methodName');

// Description text will be "ObjectClassName->methodName()"

With a custom origin description:

$closure = NamedClosure::fromObject($object, 'methodName', 'Comes from here');

// Description text will be "Comes from here"

Anonymous function or closure

$closure = NamedClosure::fromClosure(
    function() {
        // do something
    'Closure description text'

Private class methods

The fromObject() method cannot be used with private object methods. This is because the Closure::fromCallable() method must be called from the class containing the target method for it to work.

This can be easily circumvented to keep the class and method name as description of the closure:

class ExampleClass
    public function createCallable()
        // Create the callable array
        $callback = array($this, 'doSomething');

        return NamedClosure::fromClosure(
            Closure::fromCallable($callback), // To call the private method
            ConvertHelper::callback2string($callback) // Set the description

    private function doSomething() : void

NOTE: The ConvertHelper::callback2string() works even if the target method is not callable (which is the case here with a private method). This guarantees that the description is always meaningful.

Dumping callables

If all closures are created using the named closure wrapper, they will automatically be recognized by all helpers in the package.

For example, the convert helper's callback2string() method:

use AppUtils;

class ExampleObjectCallback
    public function doSomething() : void

$example = new ExampleObjectCallback();
$closure = NamedClosure::fromObject($example, 'doSomething');

echo ConvertHelper::callback2string($closure);

This will output the following string:


New here?

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